Of course, Sciences Po has had many students. The specific name for these alumni is Alumni.
We have drawn up a list of alumni whose national or international reputation made it worthwhile to mention their names.
You will therefore find here a list of public figures, which, of course, includes many politicians, but also other celebrities with varied and sometimes surprising careers.
You will have understood that in this list, a brilliant professor can be overshadowed by a journalist who has not contributed so much to the research and development of knowledge, but that is simply more popular.
This is an assumed bias, and you are more than welcome to mention these characters that we have unfortunately left out in the comments.
So without further ado, here are the names of the celebrities and personalities who passed through Sciences Po.
Recently famous Sciences Po personalities

Anne-Sophie Lapis (journalist) went to Sciences Po Bordeaux
Édouard Philippe (politician) studied at Sciences Po Paris
Emmanuel Macron (politics) studied at Sciences Po Paris
François Hollande (politics) attended Sciences Po Paris
Hugo Clément (journalist) studied at Sciences Po Toulouse
Jean Castex (politics) studied at Sciences Po Paris
Teddy Riner (sportsman) studied at Sciences Po Paris
Léa Salamé (journalist) attended Sciences Po Paris
Éric Zemmour (editorialist) attended Sciences Po Paris
Sciences Po personalities – the list of all famous alumni

Alain Duhamel went to Sciences Po Paris
Alain Juppé went to Sciences Po Paris
André Vallini went to Sciences Po Grenoble
Anna Hopkins went to Sciences Po Paris
Anne Roumanoff attended Sciences Po Paris
Anne Sinclair attended Sciences Po Paris
Bernadette Chirac attended Sciences Po Paris
Bernard Cazeneuve attended Sciences Po Bordeaux
Bernard-Henri Lévy attended Sciences Po Paris
Boutros Boutros-Ghali attended Sciences Po Paris
Christian Dior attended Sciences Po Paris
Christine Lagarde attended Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence
Christine Ockrent attended Sciences Po Paris
David Pujadas attended Sciences Po Paris
Didier Migaud studied at the Sciences Po Lyon
Dominique de Villepin attended Sciences Po Paris
Édouard Balladur attended Sciences Po Paris
Élisabeth Guigou attended Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence
Érik Arena attended Sciences Po Paris
Fanny Ardant attended Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence
Fernand Braudel attended Sciences Po Paris
François Mitterrand attended Sciences Po Paris
Frédéric Beigbeder attended Sciences Po Paris
Georges Pompidou attended Sciences Po Paris
Gilles Kepel attended Sciences Po Paris
Hervé Gaymard attended Sciences Po Paris
Íngrid Betancourt attended Sciences Po Paris
Jack Lang attended Sciences Po Paris
Jacques Attali attended Sciences Po Paris
Jacques Chaban-Delmas attended Sciences Po Paris
Jacques Chirac attended Sciences Po Paris
Jacques Généreux attended Sciences Po Paris
Jacques Maillot attended Sciences Po Lyon
Jacques Toubon attended Sciences Po Lyon
Jean-Paul Fitoussi attended Sciences Po Paris
Jean-Pierre Chevènement attended Sciences Po Paris
Julien Gracq attended Sciences Po Paris
Laurent Fabius attended Sciences Po Paris
Léo Ferré attended Sciences Po Paris
Lionel Jospin attended Sciences Po Paris
Martin Weill attended Sciences Po Bordeaux
Martine Aubry attended Sciences Po Paris
Maurice Couve de Murville attended Sciences Po Paris
Maxime Switek studied at Sciences Po Toulouse
Michel Debré attended Sciences Po Paris
Michel Rocard attended Sciences Po Paris
Nicole Fontaine attended Sciences Po Paris
Noël Mamère attended Sciences Po Bordeaux
Olivier Duhamel attended Sciences Po Paris
Pascal Lamy attended Sciences Po Paris
Paul Claudel attended Sciences Po Paris
Philippe Séguin attended Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence
Pierre de Coubertin attended Sciences Po Paris
Pierre Lellouche attended Sciences Po Paris
Pierre Mauroy attended Sciences Po Paris
Pierre-Yves Bournazel attended Sciences Po Toulouse
Raymond Aron attended Sciences Po Paris
Raymond Barre attended Sciences Po Paris
Roland Dumas attended Sciences Po Paris
Ségolène Royal attended Sciences Po Paris
Simone Veil attended Sciences Po Paris
If you can think of another personality who passed through an Institute of Political Studies worthy of being included in this list, we invite you to post his name in the comments below.
If you do not understand the names of some of these former Sciences Po students, we suggest you read their biographies to find out more about them. If they are here, it is for a good reason.
→ The best Biographies
Originally posted on 9 November 2020 @ 15:06
Grichka Bogdanoff attended Science Po Paris
Rama Yade
Raphaël Glucksmann attended Sciences Po Paris
Raymon Aron did not do SPo. He is normalien (Ulm).
Caroline Roux attended Sciences Po Grenoble Olivier Dussopt attended Sciences Po Grenoble Sophia Chikirou attended Sciences Po Grenoble
Paul Casimir (South West regional director GAN) studied po …
Christian we say UN IEP, concerning you I don’t think you will go very far if you want my opinion ^^
If you want to do another Sciences Po than Paris, can you still make a success of your life?? –‘
If not, do you have other celebrities who have done something other than the Sciences Po of PARIS??? My word —
Teddy Riner only follows a few professional courses at Sciences Po but does not do the real Sciences Po
N Sarkozy was registered but never finished Sciences Po
In 1982, she did Sciences Po Paris
Nicolas Sarkozy attended Sciences Po Paris