What is the TIRC?

What is the CRIT?

  • The CRIT is one of the most anticipated events each year for the Track Sciences.
  • The CRIT is a sports tournament organized by all the Sciences Po.
  • It has been held every year for about 30 years.
  • The sports played are numerous and varied, from basketball to soccer, as well as dance and cheerleading demonstrations.
  • The fields are often those of Sciences Po and the universities.
  • Each city, regional Sciences Po and Paris, are responsible for organizing the event in turn.
  • The competition is usually dominated by Sciences Po Paris.

However, the CRIT is not just a sports competition.

The CRIT is a party

  • The CRIT is indeed an opportunity to party, to go out, and to drink.
  • These activities, which are the very essence of the LIRC, sometimes lead to excesses and damage in the public space, hence the fear of organizing such an event.
  • Indeed, a successful CRIT is one where all the Sciences Pistes who have managed to get a place are dressed for the occasion, shouting in all the public places, partying day and night, hence once again the fears of organizing such an event.

Note that the CRIT is almost always preceded by pre-credits, which take place in the cities of the participating regional Sciences Po, if they wish, or by region (for example Lyon-Grenoble).

These are mini-events, according to the same modalities, the doses of sports and festivities being proportionate according to the desire of the organizers and the BDE (Bureau des Elèves).

Sciences Po Bordeaux athletics team celebrating its victory
Photo taken by the Déclic BDA association

Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 15:34