VI. E. Politics in France since 1991

→ The double mandate of Jacques Chirac, elected president in 1995 and 2002

Jacques Chirac
Jacques Chirac

Jacques Chirac’s terms in office:
—may 7, 1995 election of Jacques Chirac against Lionel Jospin, Alain Juppé prime minister
—the plural Left wins the 1997 legislative elections, third cohabitation with Lionel Jospin
—passage to 35 hours, 350,000 youth jobs in the public services, PACS, refusal of the MAI in 1999, multilateral agreement on investment, themes of the French exception, presidential mandate reduced to 5 years in September 2000
—Jean-Marie Le Pen creates the surprise (April 21, 2002) in the second round against Jacques Chirac, who wins with 82.21% of the votes
—Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Prime Minister, Fillon’s reform of public sector pensions, Charter for the Environment in 2002, a refusal to engage France in the Iraq war led by de Villepin
—European Constitution project rejected by 54.9%, urban riots in November 2005 (curfew put in place in December), CPE crisis leading to high school and student demonstrations

→ The presidencies of Nicolas Sarkozy (2007–2012) and François Hollande (2012–2017)

—Nicolas Sarkozy was elected president with 53.6% of the vote against Ségolène Royal
—François Fillon Prime Minister, fiscal measures with the TEPA law, which partially abolishes advertising on France Télévisions in the evening, creation of the Active Solidarity Income (RSA), reform of the judicial map led by Rachida Dati, Lisbon Treaty (for the European Union, entry into force on December 1, 2009)
—Entry of France into the subprime crisis in 2008, rising unemployment, expulsions of Roma in 2010, pension reform led by Eric Woerth, ministerial reshuffle, intervention in Libya and Ivory Coast
—François Hollande wins the presidential elections against Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012 with 51.64% of the votes.
—Transfer of power on May 15, 2012, Jean-Marc Ayrault, Prime Minister, first reforms
—Legislative elections of June 18, 2012, with a victory for the left, decline in popularity of the government, intervention in Mali, adoption of the Taubira law of marriage for all on Tuesday, April 23 by the National Assembly
—Government of Manuel Valls, with the first ministerial experience for Emmanuel Macron

→ News 2017 – today

These summaries of the news from 2014 until today will allow you to open on the events that history will be likely to remember since the presidency of Emmanuel Macron. See also on the French political level, the main measures and reforms of the last presidents of theFifth Republic until Emmanuel Macron.

→ 20 contemporary history cards (1945–2017)

Originally posted on 28 August 2021 @ 10:59

2 thoughts on “VI. E. Politics in France since 1991

  1. Hello could you update the balance sheet Holland and the beginning of Macron? THANKS

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