Bibliography on Work
10 references, on work, is in-depth and recognized reflections on work, employment and unemployment. The authors approach these themes from a social, but also economic and philosophical angle. Without reading …
10 references, on work, is in-depth and recognized reflections on work, employment and unemployment. The authors approach these themes from a social, but also economic and philosophical angle. Without reading …
Max Weber, in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904–1905), shows how work has become a fundamental value of the Protestant religion. ” The only way to live …
What is an international monetary system? What have these monetary systems consisted of up to the present day? In the first part devoted to the history of international monetary systems, …
Title 4 – The Public Institution Chapter 1 – The classic public establishment Chapter 2 – The crisis of the legal theory of the public establishment Section 1 – The onset of the legal crisis of …
Course on work: Work between myths and beliefs I. I. A. Work is opposed to leisure I. B. Slavery as a means of freedom from work II. A. Work allows …
Academics in Politics offer you a series of 4 exclusive courses on work! The objective? To pass the competitive exam on work with flying colors. How can you do this? …