Summary Paul Krugman – Get us out of this crisis now!
Paul Krugman, an economist born in 1953, wrote a book published in 2012 by Flammarion entitled: Sortez-nous de cette crise… maintenant ! This book report lists for each chapter the key …
Paul Krugman, an economist born in 1953, wrote a book published in 2012 by Flammarion entitled: Sortez-nous de cette crise… maintenant ! This book report lists for each chapter the key …
Work is an essential concept in philosophy, sociology, economics and many other sciences. Its etymology, as you will soon discover, is, moreover, rather original and interesting. But first, let us …
Ancient and Medieval Quotes on Work “You shall be nourished by toil all the days of your life” —Genesis, Bible “There is no shameful work – Socrates (469 – 399 BC) “If you …
Giscard d’Estaing (on the left on the picture) and Mitterrand (on the right on the picture) succeed Georges Pompidou. V. France since 1945 B. Post-Gaullism: Pompidou, Giscard d’Estaing, and Mitterrand …
“I would like to change how kindness is perceived” I would like to change how kindness is perceived in our job as researchers, as future professors, but also in general …
In the remainder of this course on labor (Chapter 1), we will focus on the issue ofSlavery. I. Work, a terrible necessityA . Work is opposed to leisure B. Slavery …