Definitions of Science
The notion of “science” in the feminine singular is, by its etymology, rather complex and polysemous. First of all, is it science? Or the sciences? Are we talking about science …
The notion of “science” in the feminine singular is, by its etymology, rather complex and polysemous. First of all, is it science? Or the sciences? Are we talking about science …
Alexis de Tocqueville in the second volume of Democracy in America analyzes what distinguishes the learning of science in the United States, a democratic regime, from the learning of these …
In the Second Analytics (4th century BC), grouped in the the Organonaristotle shows the difference between the universal and the singular, and consequently shows that there is no scientific knowledge …
If you are interested in science, you will be interested in these writings of Pierre Desproges: “La rigueur scientifique” by Pierre Desproges A famous excerpt: ” A civilization without Science, …
One of the recurrent questions of philosophy is its Relation with science. Is philosophy a science? Is science a philosophy? How can science and philosophy harmonize? What is the link …
How to prepare for the exam: Compilation du concours commun How to be productive: 16 hyper-efficient tips How to read faster Mock subjects How to do the exam well: Method …