Is justice reduced to laws?

Is it better to apply the law rigorously or to take into account the extenuating circumstances, the legitimacy of someone’s behavior? Should we prefer injustice to disorder? Can justice be …

The need for justice

“The need to take justice into one’s own hands is a dead end in which one is sometimes to which one is sometimes committed. “ Victor Hugo in Claude Gueux …

Justice and fashion – Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal Thought 61, by Blaise Pascal, talks about the: Thoughts, 61, Justice “Justice. As fashion makes pleasure, so does it make justice.” Explanations Blaise Pascal would have given to …

Justice investigates vote buying

“An investigating judge will investigate the municipal campaigns organized from 2008 to 2010 in Corbeil-Essonnes (Essonne), won by by Senator Serge Dassault and then his right-hand man Jean-Pierre Beecher, both …