Friendship and justice – Aristotle
According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), friendship must be added to justice. And there is no need for justice when there is friendship. “When men are friends, justice …
According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), friendship must be added to justice. And there is no need for justice when there is friendship. “When men are friends, justice …
Justice is a central concept in politics and morality that has inspired many thinkers, leaders and citizens throughout history. Quotes about justice can give us insight into the different perspectives …
Justice(Defined here), an important theme in law, General Knowledge, contemporary issues, philosophy, is represented by many important symbols. This symbolism is inscribed in the collective memory, whether it be during …
In Fragment 94, Blaise Pascal reflects on the relationship between justice and strength. Here are successive quotations from the original text, accompanied by a literal commentary on the fragment, particularly instructive …
A study of justice and the place of the judge. Pierre Rosanvallon analyzed the evolution of the place of the judge. You can listen to this conference online. Pierre Rosanvallon …