Quotes on Justice

Justice is a central concept in politics and morality that has inspired many thinkers, leaders and citizens throughout history. Quotes about justice can give us insight into the different perspectives …

The symbols of justice throughout history

Justice(Defined here), an important theme in law, General Knowledge, contemporary issues, philosophy, is represented by many important symbols. This symbolism is inscribed in the collective memory, whether it be during …

Justice and strength – Pascal

In Fragment 94, Blaise Pascal reflects on the relationship between justice and strength. Here are successive quotations from the original text, accompanied by a literal commentary on the fragment, particularly instructive …

Rosanvallon and justice

A study of justice and the place of the judge. Pierre Rosanvallon analyzed the evolution of the place of the judge. You can listen to this conference online. Pierre Rosanvallon …

Is justice moral or political?

Is justice Moral or political? We will first study political justice (I), then moral justice (II). You will find definitions of justice, important for knowing what we are talking about, …