5 books on Democracy
If you have the time to read these books on democracy, you will have drawn up a broad panorama of what is democracy and what the men worked out behind …
If you have the time to read these books on democracy, you will have drawn up a broad panorama of what is democracy and what the men worked out behind …
From 2008 to 2014, the Common Entrance Examination included only 6 regional Sciences Po: Aix-en-Provence, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Strasbourg, and Toulouse. In 2014, a 7th Sciences Po was added: …
What is Democracy? A very difficult question, to which many have tried, including… Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The famous citizen of Geneva in his text the Social Contract describes a certain number …
Democracy is a widespread regime, praised by many, but what about the criticisms that can be addressed to it? Here is an account of the main Flaws and limitations of …
Alexis de Tocqueville in the second volume of Democracy in America analyzes what distinguishes the learning of science in the United States, a democratic regime, from the learning of these …
Title 3 – Local and Regional Authorities Chapter 1 – Relations between the State and local authorities Section 1 – The superiority of the State over local authorities Administrative controls Deliberations, decrees, acts and contracts of …