10 commandments for success in the General Culture test
– to measure the general level of knowledge – to develop a clear argument – to measure mastery of written expression If you want to Succeed in the general knowledge …
– to measure the general level of knowledge – to develop a clear argument – to measure mastery of written expression If you want to Succeed in the general knowledge …
→ The French welfare state: new economic models —birth rate (2.6 children per woman), Vichy’s natalist policy, baby boom —demographic increase (13 million more men from 1946 to 1976) —young population: …
When you want to enrich your general knowledge, everything starts with definitions. General knowledge is a set of themes and concepts that must be mastered perfectly. For example, have you …
The theme chosen in 2014culture. A joint study by the Ministries of Economy and Culture estimates that culture represents 3.2% of national wealth (Gross Domestic Product). The objective of this …
Here is a new series on our website Academics in Politics: 1,000 things to know about General Knowledge. It will be useful for the orals, for those who want to …
To better understand the stakes of culture in contemporary society, here is a course on Mass culture. First, the terms culture and mass culture will be defined according to four …