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What is the curriculum for the Sciences Po Paris sex exam, what will the exam cover? This is the question of the email that was sent to Academics in Politics.
I am in my last year of high school and I am starting to prepare for the Sciences Po Paris exam. I wanted to know what the sex exam there was about and if the first-year ES courses were enough or if I should study with other more specific books, if so, which ones? Thanks!
It is good to be prepared for the Sciences Po Paris exam.
The Economic and Social Sciences test
Description of the test
The duration of the test: 3 hours
The test is divided into two parts:
1/ Question of microeconomic or macroeconomic analysis (6 points) This question concerns a microeconomic or macroeconomic mechanism from the program (see above) that must be presented, possibly illustrated, and explained. The candidate may be asked to produce a graphical representation or to construct a diagram.
2/ Conduct of reasoning based on a documentary file (14 points) The exam question, relating to the themes of the program (see above) of economics, sociology or cross-cutting views, is based on a documentary file composed of 4 documents, including one text. The candidate is asked to develop a line of reasoning (with an introduction, a structured development and a conclusion) by using the documents in the file and drawing on his/her personal knowledge.
The program
1/ General approaches, knowledge and skills for the final cycle (preamble to the final cycle programs)
—The economist’s approach
—The sociologist’s approach
—The political scientist’s approach
2/ The entire specific teaching program for the first year of the school year for economists
1. The major questions that are asked
2. Production in the company
3. Coordination through the market
4. Money and financing
5. Macroeconomic regulations and imbalances and the construction of social identities Sociology
1. Socialization processes
2. Group and social networks
3. Social control and deviance
4. Political order and legitimization
You can find it on this pdf:
And some additional information on the sex exam to know what it is exactly: http: //
It is recommended to deepen all that you learn in 1 ère ES and Terminal ES. If you have more knowledge, and better methods, thanks to courses that you have taken in another medium than high school, it will increase your chances of passing the exam.
You can choose specific books by looking at each point of the program proposed by Sciences Po Paris for the sex exam. In bookstores, you will find a multitude of books that address these aspects, and the best one will be the one that suits you best.
Have a good day,
The Academics in Politics team
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Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 15:34
Hello, I would like to know if there are value rankings of regional Sciences Po? Are there any better than others? If I take my example, is the Sciences Po of Toulouse better than that of Bordeaux? THANKS,
Good morning! I am currently in Terminale ES. a few days ago, I said to myself, why not Science Po? The problem is that the registrations end on the 2nd and I haven’t started working on the contest! is it worth signing up or not? THANKS