The Guide to enter Sciences Po

In theory, if you want, you can even try them all in the same year. You just have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, especially since the exams are not identical (cost of the exam, distribution of revisions, travel, etc.).

  • Sciences Po Paris
  • Sciences Po Network Common Entrance Examination (regional Sciences Po): Sciences Po Aix, Sciences Po Lille, Sciences Po Lyon, Sciences Po Rennes, Sciences Po Strasbourg, Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Sciences Po Toulouse.
  • Sciences Po Grenoble
  • Sciences Po Bordeaux

The Sciences Po competitive examination tests:

  • History
  • General knowledge
  • Modern language
  • Specific tests

How to study for Sciences Po:

  • Organizing your time
  • Learn a foreign language efficiently
  • 16 ways to be super productive.

Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 16:04

19 thoughts on “The Guide to enter Sciences Po

  1. Hello, Is it possible to integrate 1 of the 7 Sciences Po of the sciences po network in the 4th year after having completed a master’s degree in economics? Is there an age limit? thank you for your reply

    1. Hello, There is no uniform common competition for this level, but there are gateways, which change each year, and specific to each Sciences Po in the network. You can therefore perhaps take advantage of your equivalent European credits (180 when you have a bachelor’s degree, 240 when you have obtained an M1) to apply (file or competition) for a master’s degree at Sciences Po, particularly in economics which is your domain, but it depends on the individual regional Sciences Po. Good luck exploring the Sciences Po sites one by one. The Integrate Sciences Po PS team: no age limit

  2. Hello, after a year in scientific preparation which was not particularly fulfilling, I went on to a second year where I went to civic service for 1 year abroad. My question is, is it possible to pass the entrance exam for the different sciences po with a baccalaureate level 0 and 2 years after obtaining my Bac Es

    1. Hello @Ange, Unfortunately this is not possible. Neither for Sciences Po Paris, nor for the Sciences Po Network. The latter Sciences Po network explains on their official website: “The first-year entrance examination is open to candidates for the baccalaureate (or equivalent: foreign diplomas and DAEU) from year 2021 and to holders of the baccalaureate (or equivalent: foreign diplomas and DAEU) of the year 2020. The whole procedure goes through Parcoursup, even for Bac 1 level candidates. It is therefore only 2020 and 2021 baccalaureate holders who will be able to be admitted to the first year at Sciences Po this year. We advise you to study in a course close to political science, to apply for other levels, for a Master’s for example. Good luck, The Academics in Politics team

  3. hello, I would like to know if you are going to distribute a list of books to read or if I have to manage alone for next year’s themes? Sincerely, Carla

  4. Good evening, I am currently a graduate of a baccalaureate with honors with 17 in ses, 17 in history and 16 in philosophy. Science po has always made me dream but I never had the courage to attend. Today I pass in L1 aes mention political science and europe. And I intend to present myself at the common competition. I would like to know from when I could start preparing for the competition and is a preparation (like that of springboard iep) essential in my case? Thanks in advance for reading and responding.

  5. Hello, I tried (unsuccessfully) the regional Sciences Po competition this year while being French baccalauréat 1 (ECS preparation) but I am leaving the preparation to start a license in the 1st year, is it still possible to pass the competition given that I’m going to L1 but it’s my 2nd year of studies? Thank you for your reply

  6. Hello, are you going to offer predictions of exam questions likely to fall for the political science specialty? THANKS

  7. Hello, is it possible to register for the joint Sciences Po provincial competition (2nd year) with a validated BTS? THANKS.

  8. Hello, just like Martine, I would like to know the value of the school record in relation to the common competition. Can one claim access to Science Po Paris or even Bordeaux in French baccalauréat 0, with an average file (i.e. around 13 average), but largely successful in its competition? Thanks in advance.

  9. Hello, I failed the regional Sciences Po competition in Bac 1 this year. If I repeat my year, can I take the competition again next year?

  10. a question about Sciences Po Paris integration. If there was no attempt by the Terminale class, what can be done? – Bac 1 – After a deug? (right?) – after a Master (which one?) abilat Thanks for the answer. D.M

  11. @Carole: YES, of course! You can have the competition and then refuse the place granted to you. The question will even be asked on the website when the results are announced, you will only have a few days to confirm or refuse the place, and by default if nothing is answered the place will be lost. Good luck getting the city you want!

  12. Hello I pass the Sciences Po joint competition at Bac 0 this year. If I am admitted to one of the 7 but not the one that interests me the most, can I refuse and re-attempt the competition next year at French baccalauréat 1? thank you for your reply

  13. Hello, I would like to know what it means to be able to present several times science po Bordeaux to French baccalauréat 1 please. Does this mean being able to pass the French baccalauréat 1 test while in French baccalauréat 2? In advance, thank you for your answer !

  14. Regarding the Concours Commun, is the academic record more or less important than the results obtained in the competition?

  15. Hello, I am in L1 Sociology and History (double course). I would like to take the science po BAC 0 and BAC 1 competition. I would like to be informed about the dates of the Sciences Po competitions for BAC 1 in Bordeaux and Lille. Thank you very much, for your site as well as for your future answer.

  16. @Pablo: Hello Pablo, the Grenoble and Bordeaux regional Sciences Po are independent. You can therefore try as many times as you want Grenoble for example, this will have no impact on the other regional Sciences Po to which you can present yourself in the usual way. As for the common regional Sciences Po, to find out if you can present this competition several times, the site cc. states on its website: I already took the Concours Commun last year. If I fail again this year, can I take it again next year? No, the Concours Commun is open to year 1 and years n-1 baccalaureate holders. On the other hand, you can present the entrance examinations to the second-year specific to each IEP. This answer will nevertheless have to be reformulated taking into account the new competitive entrance examination for the 2nd year. For Sciences Po Bordeaux, it seems to us that there is no presentation quota for the competitions, but there are competitions for several levels BAC 0, 1, 3 Hoping I could help, The Academics in Politics team.

  17. Hello, how many times can we present the regional Sciences Po competition (Bordeaux, Grenoble and the six others)? If I present (for example) only the Sciences Po of Grenoble, is my quota of presentation to the competitions still counted for the other competitions, namely those of the regions and Bordeaux? THANKS

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