The greatest scientists in history

The most famous scientists of history are presented on this page with their function, their invention or their work in brackets.

The great scientists of history – Antiquity

Pythagoras (theorems)

Archimedes (sphere, mathematician and scientist)

The great scientists of history – 15th centuries, 16th century

Gutenberg (printing)

Leonardo da Vinci (scholar and multiple artist)

Copernicus (movement of the planets around the sun)

Brahe (comets are not atmospheric phenomena)

Galileo (heliocentrism, astronomy)

Kepler (three laws of planetary motion)

The great scientists of history – 16th centuries, 17th-century

Torricelli (barometer)

Pascal (laws of atmospheric pressure, Pascal’s triangle)

Newton Isaac (laws of attraction, telescope, light colors of the rainbow)

The great scientists of history – eighteenth century

Celsius (temperature)

Cavendish (mass of the Earth)

Coulomb (law on magnetism)

Watt (improves the steam engine: condenser)

Lavoisier (law of conservation of masses, composition of air)

Volta (electric battery)

Niepce (photography)

Ampère (electromagnet and electric telegraph)

Arrested (magnetic fields)

Arago (polarization, electromagnetism, speed of sound)

Leclanché (Leclanché electric battery)

Chevreuil (stearic candles, colors)

Fresnel (vibratory optics stepped lenses)

Ohm (electric current laws)

Faraday (laws of electrolysis, electromagnetic induction)

The great scientists of history – 19th centuries

Bunsen (spectral analysis, burner)

Joule (heat released by an electric current)

Mendeleïev (periodic table of elements in chemistry)

Edison (phonograph, electric bulb with incandescent filament)

Millikan (charge of the electron)

Bohr (theory on the structure of the atom)

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General Knowledge: science


Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00

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