The best of Academics in Politics for 10 years

From 2012 to 2021, you have offered us to read and reread our articles several million times. This trust is a huge gift, and the whole team can only thank you eternally for this beautiful adventure that has brought us to today, the turning point of a decade.

In return, we wanted to offer you this gift, always on the occasion of the new decade: here are the best articles, those that were the most useful for you to succeed in the common competitions, in high school, during your studies, or simply for your General Knowledge (not to repeat ourselves).

THANK YOU for this decade spent with you, and right now, the best of Academics in Politics.

Languages in first place

A sign of a decade in the heart of globalization, the article you consulted the most was dedicated to foreign languages, and more specifically to English.

Number 1: English linking words

Similarly in German, you voted for an article dedicated to linking words as well:

N° 4: Linking words in German

But it is not only in foreign languages that you have tried to improve… In French too, quite simply:

N° 6: Enrich your Vocabulary to Shine with Words – List 2

When politics interferes with journalism

One of the most important articles we have written so far, and one that you have looked at and reconsulted, was none other than the political orientation of your favorite daily and weekly newspapers. This was undoubtedly necessary for a more seasoned and informed reading of newspaper articles, especially of the foreign press, which is a test in all Sciences Po exams.

N°2:Political orientations of the foreign and French press

History, always fundamental

Indeed, history is still a pillar of the Sciences Po exams. There is no doubt that these sheets covering the entire history program will be useful in your revisions.

N°3:History Sciences Po IEP: The World, Europe and France from 1945 to today

And if you want to add a bit of interest to your papers, you will probably be happy with these original quotes.

N°9:50 quotes that marked the history of the 20th century for your papers.


In 2013, Nelson Mandela passed away. Many of you then wondered about the life of this man, who will certainly have marked the century and the whole history.

N° 5: Short biography of Nelson Mandela and quotes

Another man, this time more known for his poems, but whose life was also passionate, has particularly interested you during this decade.

N° 7: Short biography of Arthur Rimbaud and quotations

A bit of philosophy

In philosophy, René Descartes is essential. That is probably why you have made this explanatory summary a must on our site too.

N° 8: Explanations of the Discourse of the Method – René Descartes

Pure Concours Sciences Po completes the podium

The first vocation of this website is, of course, to help you enter Sciences Po… It was therefore only natural that a purely “Sciences Po” article should make it into the Top 10 most visited articles of the decade. In this case, it is the Sciences Po Network’s Common Competition that wins this place, with simply the history … of the decade.

N°10:Compilation of the regional Sciences Po Contest 1A

Find the complete top ranking of the articles Academics in Politics of the decade

N° 10: Compilation of the Sciences Po First-year exam Common Competition

N°9:50 quotes that marked the history of the 20th century for your papers.

N° 8: Explanations of René Descartes’ Discourse on Method

N°7:Short biography of Arthur Rimbaud and quotations

N°6:Enrich your Vocabulary to Shine with Words – List 2

N° 5: Short biography of Nelson Mandela and quotations

N° 4: Linking words in German

N°3:History Sciences Po IEP: The World, Europe and France from 1945 to nowadays

N°2:Political orientations of the foreign and French press

N°1:Linking words in English

Originally posted on 29 May 2021 @ 11:29