Taking the figures from the years 2000 to 2014, the following ranking of the 5 biggest causes of death emerges.
1st cause of death in the world:
Infectious diseases (respiratory tract, sexual practices, AIDS, diarrhea, tuberculosis, malaria, etc.) – 29.7%
2nd cause of death in the world:
Cancer (lung, stomach, liver, etc.) – 13%
Smoking, the 5th leading cause of death in the world,
accounts for 10% of deaths
3rd cause of death in the world:
Coronary heart disease (artery disease) – 12.8
4th cause of death in the world:
Stroke, Stroke – 10.8
5th leading cause of death in the world:
Smoking – 10%
→ Who consumes the most alcohol in the world?
Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 16:36