Definition of Inequality

General definition of Inequalities The following definition is taken from the Dictionary of the French Academy (9th edition) which gives 3 meanings to the term “inequality”. 1. The state of …

General Knowledge: Migration

Although often neglected in academic studies, migration issues are nevertheless a very important part of human history. It is on this rather specific theme with immense consequences that we would …

19 works on love

These works are inspired by love and inspire love. 6th century BC. : The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice 380 BC.: The Banquet – Plato 12 th : Tristan and Isolde 1327: The Rhymes – Petrarch 1552: …

Definitions of work

Work is an essential concept in philosophy, sociology, economics and many other sciences. Its etymology, as you will soon discover, is, moreover, rather original and interesting. But first, let us …

Definition of Family

What is family? Let’s first study the etymology of the word, then its definition, before giving a commentary. The etymology of “Family”: At the end of the Middle Ages, the …