Quotes on Work

Ancient and Medieval Quotes on Work “You shall be nourished by toil all the days of your life” —Genesis, Bible “There is no shameful work – Socrates (469 – 399 BC) “If you …

Karl Popper, Objective Knowledge

The BAC 2014 proposed to the L series as a text commentary an excerpt from Objective Knowledge where Karl Popper attacks determinism. Karl Popper’s text, Objective Knowledge I have called …

Quotes on Justice

Justice is a central concept in politics and morality that has inspired many thinkers, leaders and citizens throughout history. Quotes about justice can give us insight into the different perspectives …

Essay: What do we owe the state?

The state plays a crucial role in our daily lives, ensuring the protection of our basic rights and providing essential public services. But what do we really owe the state …