Quotes on Family
These quotations on the Family, organized in a chronological way, should allow you to give an outline of the great sentences which were pronounced or written and which reached us …
These quotations on the Family, organized in a chronological way, should allow you to give an outline of the great sentences which were pronounced or written and which reached us …
What are the new forms of Culture in contemporary societies? Contemporary societies? Culture was one of the two themes of the 2014 Sciences Po competition. Digital technology was the theme …
One of the exam questions of the baccalaureate of philosophy in series S was about the question: Can one act morally without being interested in politics? Analysis of the question: …
In the Second Analytics (4th century BC), grouped in the the Organonaristotle shows the difference between the universal and the singular, and consequently shows that there is no scientific knowledge …
Max Weber, in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904–1905), shows how work has become a fundamental value of the Protestant religion. ” The only way to live …
If you are interested in science, you will be interested in these writings of Pierre Desproges: “La rigueur scientifique” by Pierre Desproges A famous excerpt: ” A civilization without Science, …