10 commandments for success in the General Culture test
– to measure the general level of knowledge – to develop a clear argument – to measure mastery of written expression If you want to Succeed in the general knowledge …
– to measure the general level of knowledge – to develop a clear argument – to measure mastery of written expression If you want to Succeed in the general knowledge …
This post aims to eradicate one of the biggest misconceptions, one of the biggest commonplaces. Many will tell you: “It does not matter how many lines, only the content matters.” …
What to do if you don’t have the competition? What studies to apply for with Admission Post-Bac? What studies lead to Sciences Po? You will find the correction thanks to …
Are you studying English, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Chinese, or another language? Are you starting a foreign language? Be sure to read our article, which briefly outlines the benefits …
Sleep well (no kidding?) Do a mock interview, a mock oral, with a friend, a relative, a professional or a stranger. Everything can help you. Reread your cover letter, which …
The full title of the question that was posed to the candidates in the 2021 common competition to integrate the regional Institutes of Political Studies was: “In light of your …