France under Vichy (1939-1944)

France was deeply affected by the outbreak of the Second World War and its defeat by the Germans, which led to the Occupation and the Vichy regime. It is these …

The Black American Revolt

To understand the project of a popular history of the United States, intended by Howard Zinn’s historian, go here a popular history of American society after 1945. This engaged history …

The history of May 68

May 68 was one of the most important events of the current French Republic. Why was May 68 so decisive in the evolution of society? This course on May 68 …

Short biography of Hugo Chávez

On Tuesday, March 5, 2013, Hugo Chávez died. His historic personality for Venezuela, which he will have led for 14 years, will also have marked international relations. Vice President Nicolás …