Employment contracts
What is an employment contract? A document that commits an employer and an employee And which includes specific elements, provided for by the labor code: An employment contract has 3 …
What is an employment contract? A document that commits an employer and an employee And which includes specific elements, provided for by the labor code: An employment contract has 3 …
→ The French welfare state: new economic models —birth rate (2.6 children per woman), Vichy’s natalist policy, baby boom —demographic increase (13 million more men from 1946 to 1976) —young population: …
The theme chosen in 2014culture. A joint study by the Ministries of Economy and Culture estimates that culture represents 3.2% of national wealth (Gross Domestic Product). The objective of this …
How the unemployment rate is calculated The unemployment rate is calculated by INSEE. The standards are established by the ILO: International Labor Office. An unemployed person for the ILO must …
The greatest economists, those who have marked the thinking of the sciences of economics, are presented here in alphabetical order. In each case, you will also find the two or …
The poverty line changes every year. But why? Why does the poverty line change every year? Because it is calculated from the median standard of living (note, read below: the …