Annals of Sciences Po Bordeaux BAC+1

The Sciences Po Bordeaux exams for the BAC+1 exam. The tests are a general knowledge essay (3 hours), a modern language test, and an optional test (history, geography, economics, mathematics, …

Can health be global?

exam question: Can health be global? Terms of the question: “equality” → see definitions “care” → see definitions “Myth”: in this context can mean “. The question that pinpoints the …

Bibliography – Safety

This bibliography on security first looks at the question of security from a philosophical point of view, and then in the light of contemporary thinking. Bibliography of philosophy on Security: …

Summer reading on the city

If you are looking for summer reading ideas and want to take the Sciences Po 2nd year entrance exam, you can get ahead of yourself! The two themes chosen for …

The SES exam at Sciences Po Paris

Academics in Politics offers you the most interesting questions and correction by email to study Sciences Po. What is the curriculum for the Sciences Po Paris sex exam, what will …