—Not a new phenomenon even if strong public opinion mobilization suggests otherwise
—Europe is during the cold war could give the false impression of the stability of the populations
—man evolves according to the evolution of climate, environment, etc.
—Shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, the global trend of closing borders, Calais camps = migration phenomenon – current issue.
—France 2017 ambassador for migrations to work with countries of departure + transit of migrants.
—migrate in Latin = passage from one place to another; im-inward and ex-outward = emigrants: leaving land of origin and immigrants: entering territory not native
—Foreigner: a person with a nationality other than that of the country where he or she resides. Immigrant: a person residing for at least 1 year + foreign born abroad may have acquired the nationality of another country by naturalization or marriage = has civil rights of a native. Refugee status: granted by a State that commits itself to receive a refugee because of the persecution he/she has suffered in his/her country of origin (thanks to the 1951 Geneva Convention). Asylum seekers: a person who applies for refugee status, transitional status.
—OECD estimates 232 million migrants living abroad in 2013, i.e. 3.2% of the world population. Volume of migrants tripled in 30 years.
—Since 2000
– 20 million people live in camps, temporary places because of conflicts Middle East + Africa + Haiti after the earthquake + Fukushima
—camps identified by international authorities or UNHCR = Grande-Synthe camp near Dunkerque > unclogging Calais, Calais Jungle, Roma camps around Paris
-Some camps welcome workers in slavery situations, e.g. China because of lack of manpower = keep away from society, employers confiscate passports…
—retention camps in France = retain foreigner’s removal from French territory, controversial places because of children + Lampedusa retention center closed for non-respect of human rights
Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00