Pythagoras and Euclid the founders of demonstration

Pythagoras (560 – 480 BC) founded a school organized as a sect.
He plays a major role in the history of science.
The numbers in his school were represented in the form of squared points, called gnomons. To make a mathematical demonstration, it was necessary to show, to make the other see.

→ Greek Sects: Schools, Academy and High School

Euclid transformed this approach. Born around 300 BC, and author of the elements, he set up a protocol to demonstrate.
—protasis: statement of the proposition
—thesis: give letters to the points
—determination: tell me what to do
—construction: build the figure
—demonstration: by deductions to arrive at the result
—conclusion: end with CQFD, what had to be demonstrated, or CQFF, what had to be done.

→ General Knowledge: Science

Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00