[Clip] What is learned helplessness?

Artpic - One Change in the World - The Podcast
One Change in the World
[Clip] What is learned helplessness?

“Learned helplessness. Which means that you, based on your experience in certain areas, you start believing that you cannot do it. So you will not actually try. I think, I don’t know if everyone has these areas, I do have these areas.
And then it goes back for me at least to being very honest and saying here it’s not working and you’re not really trying either. I think a very easy example might be that some people tell me I don’t like numbers.
Like whenever I see a number or I have to do statistics, I’m like no. And there may be many reasons for it.
Sometimes I feel like it’s learned helplessness.
And I find it a bit sad then that people will not get into it just because from the outside. And maybe based on experience, they never felt powerful in the area.”

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