Mock questions on the Company

In order to practice on the essays that may come up on the day of the exam, it is important to get an idea of the type of question you will be given.

A good way to understand the logic of these exam questions is to look at the old subjects, the Annals of the exam questions of the concourse common.

Here is a list of exam questions that are likely to fall. Of course we are not revealing the exam questions in advance, it is simply a foretaste of what awaits you, so that you know what to expect on the day of the competition.

→ Mock exam on migration

Mock exam on Enterprise

Our favorite question is #5. Practice specifically on this topic, come up with the most effective outline possible, find the best question that pinpoints the problem, and you will already have a head start in this contest! Of course, it also works with the other topics, the important thing is, as we say, to use your brain.

  1. Is the company the engine of society?
  2. Is the State a company?
  3. Does the company structure the economy?
  4. Does the enterprise create competition?
  5. Is the enterprise a private interest or a public interest?
  6. Does the State have a place in the enterprise?

Mixed training subjects: Enterprise/MigrationA

topic that would mix the IEP 2 2016 themes Migration and Enterprise would be very complicated to implement, and we hardly imagine that regional Sciences Po would choose such an option. However, here are several proposals for questions in the event that the two questions are put together.

  1. Are companies involved in migration?
  2. Offshoring, a corporate migration?
  3. Is undertaking a migration a strategic choice?

Feel free to propose outlines for each of these questions in the comments below this article, it is a great exercise for you and for those who would like to get an idea of possible outlines. In addition, perhaps the Academics in Politics team can provide you with advice on the outlines you have proposed.

→ General Knowledge practice topics

General Knowledge: the Company

Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 15:34