This is to give you an idea of what you may be asked to do in the competition. You can first find the annals of the exam questions of the common competition in order to have an overview, then we propose this list which should give you a good view of the kinds of exam questions you should expect.
- Mock exam questions on the City
Mock questions on Radicalities
- Is democracy radical?
- Is being radical extremist?
- Are radical policies always exaggerated?
- Is radicalism a characteristic of youth?
- Radicality, utopia or dystopia?
Mixed mock exam questions Radicalities – The city
- Is it necessary to have radical urban policies?
- Does the city allow radicals to flourish?
- Is the city the symbol of radicalism in the 21st century?
Propose your outlines, your ideas, your reactions on these exam questions in comments to make everyone benefit from it!
→ General Knowledge: the Radicalities
Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 16:16