Mock exam on School

Are you preparing to write a paper on school? Do you simply want to practice, exercise your memory, your knowledge, put yourself in the conditions of the exam? Or are you simply curious about some ideas on school or education?

This article is for you.

If you have a very limited time, we advise you to simply find the plan. (2 or 3 parts and subparts).

If you have limited time, we advise you to simply write the introduction and the plan.

If you have time, we recommend the detailed plan: introduction + outline + two or three dashes for each subpart.

Jules Ferry made secularism
an essential dimension of the school

In all cases, the objective is to confront you with the real difficulty of the exercise, so that you become aware of what awaits you. It is also to help you gain speed: you will already have your reference points, already have ideas ready to put on paper, so you will go faster than your competitors.

Mock exam on School

  1. Is school the source of all inequalities?
  2. Who has the right to educate?
  3. Is school a function of the state?
  4. Has the school adapted to the challenges of the 21st century?
  5. Is the school accessible to all?
  6. Is school still secular, free and compulsory?
  7. Is school responsible for the inequality of opportunities?
  8. Is school the place of education?

Mixed practice topics: School/Democracy

  1. Is the State of the school of democracy?
  2. Does the school contribute to democracy?
  3. Is the school democratic?
  4. Can democracy be learned at school?

Now, 3 small steps to improve yourself, and benefit from your work if everyone participates:

1. POST your outlines in comments
2. COMPARE your ideas
3. IMPROVE your copy

→ General Knowledge practice topics
General Knowledge: School

Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00

10 thoughts on “Mock exam on School

  1. In the same way, here the question lends itself well to comparisons between a school placed in a French reflection of course, but also in a European framework to broaden the reflection (encompassing the Western stage…EU, North America) then to finally arrive at a non-Western view as suggested above. But the comparison France-Europe-West and outside is in my opinion judicious…

  2. Alright, thanks for all the advice! Indeed, I only located the French case in the current society… Thank you for your answer, I take good note and hope that it will help me tomorrow!

  3. Hello Charlène, Your outline seems relevant to me, however here are a few remarks: – Be careful not to fall into the trap of copying exclusively oriented towards the Western world and very limited chronologically. It is absolutely necessary to treat the question in different TIMES and different PLACES, or your titles seem to lean towards an analysis centered on the modern era (that is to say approximately from 1789) and more oriented on the West. If I’m wrong, mea culpa, in any case make sure that’s not the case ;). – You adopt here an outline in 2 parts, which is perfect, it is what is requested the day of the competition for the test of culture G. Nevertheless, I find that you do not exploit it enough. Two parts, that implies a certain game of opposition, of confrontation, of mirroring as well. But I find that the antagonism to which this type of outline invites does not appear enough in what you propose. Again this is only my opinion, it is very difficult to comment further without knowing the content of your assignment ;). – In general, regardless of your plan, take care whatever happens to dig as much as possible into the terms of the question in the draft and obviously in your introduction. This will allow you to deal well with the whole subject without omitting any elements, only the content of your copy could tell me if this is your case or not: SCHOOL, what are the different meanings: school of thought, etc The school, therefore in the singular, but wouldn’t there be several schools? IS school, this is an affirmation, shouldn’t it be nuanced so as not to fall into the normative? The word ACCESSIBLE invites us to ask ourselves what elements can make school inaccessible, the latter being very diverse (money, sex, distance, physical and mental capacities, war…?). TO ALL, if these two words seem to relate to the entire world population, it is nevertheless necessary to propose an analysis grid for this population: what criteria should be used to approach this population? Nationality, gender, language…? Which divisions seem to make the most sense and why? Finally, also make sure that your transition brings out the logic of your plan, that it makes it clear that your two parts are part of the same reflection by constituting a LOGICAL CONTINUATION. Good luck for Saturday :)! vincent

  4. Hello, I tackled the question Is the school accessible to all? Here is my plan: I. The school, between democratization and educational massification. A. Republican principle of the school: to provide an egalitarian education. B. Challenges and perspectives of the school system. II. A complex and unequal system. A. School is a source of inequality and social reproduction. B. A two-speed education system. A little afraid of off topic… Any criticism will be constructive, don’t hesitate! THANKS

  5. @Yan: We are betting on 1) a question focused on democracy, and 2) a question focused on school but which calls for talks about democracy. Good day,

  6. Do you think that a subject combining the two themes could come out? Or do you focus more on a single-theme topic?

  7. @Ella deb: Hello and thank you for your comment. It is hard for us to change everything at once, but thanks to you we changed the menu link to Sciences Po Regions. Indeed, we found your proposal relevant. Good day, The Academics in Politics team

  8. Please, if you could replace Sciences Po of province by Sciences Po of regions.. thank you

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