Major periods of contemporary French history

Chronology of contemporary French history to study for Sciences Po:
→ Abolition of the July Monarchy.
→ Only 3 years
→ Universal male suffrage
→ Abolition of slavery in the colonies of France

→ Coup d’état of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (nephew of Napoleon I)
→ Haussman’s outlines for the urbanization and redevelopment of Paris
→ Defeat at Sedan, during a war against Prussia
→ Proclamation of the Republic at the Tuileries
→ Paris Commune (revolt against the Thiers government when Paris was occupied by the Germans)
→ July 14 declared a national holiday
→ Boulanger affair
→ Dreyfus Affair
→ Separation of Church and State
→ World War I
→ Interwar period
→ Government of Marshal Philippe Pétain
→ New constitution: the motto became “Work, Family, Country” and collaboration with Germany was implemented
→ Allied landings
→ 1944: Provisional government: GPRF led by General de Gaulle
→ Women’s right to vote
→ 1946: constitution of the Fourth Republic
→ 1947: Election of Vincent Auriol
→ Cold War
→ Marshall Plan
→ European construction, EDC, EEC (Treaty of Rome)
→ Decolonization
→ Pierre Mendès France
→ Republican Front: 1956 and 1957
→ French Algeria, de Gaulle called to chair the Council of Ministers
→ Increased power of the President of the Republic
→ Independence of Algeria
→ May 1968
→ Georges Pompidou
→ Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (majority at 18, contraception and right to abortion)
→ Oil shocks
→ François Mitterand (abolition of the death penalty, 39-hour work week, retirement at age 60)
→ Jacques Chirac (the euro as a currency, 5-year presidential term)
→ Nicolas Sarkozy (university reform, pension reform, economic crisis and relations with Germany)
→ François Hollande (Ayrault government)

→ The entire history of the 19th century in index cards
→ History of the 20th century in cards

First publication date on pouring rouser Sciences Po: November 10, 2012

Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00