Justice and God

“The vision of justice is the pleasure of God alone.” Arthur Rimbaud in “Adieu”, A Season in Hell – 1873

→ Short biography of Arthur Rimbaud and quotes

In this poem, available here, Rimbaud closes his work A Season in Hell (1873–1875). If only God has the pleasure of justice, does it mean that justice is not of this world? Is justice possible for men?

“Think with fear of the justice of the immortal gods,” said Hesiod. True justice, the most important kind, seems to come from the gods.

In any case, justice may well lead to God: “He who applies himself to justice and mercy will find life, righteousness and glory.” Solomon in the Bible, XXI, 21.

→ Origins of law and justice

Originally posted on 24 June 2021 @ 09:58