→ The end of growth
Oil shocks:
—1st oil shock of 1973 (peak production in the United States and abandonment of the Bretton-Woods agreements, declaration of the embargo)
—2nd oil shock of 1979 (Iranian revolution, war between Iran and Iraq, and growth in oil demand)
Development of the industry:
—robotization, computers and electronics
—emergence of NICs, newly industrialized countries
Worrying economic situation:
—unemployment in Western countries (500,000 unemployed in France in 1974)
—recession in the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
—inflation (between 1973 and 1979, 8.5% in the USA, 4.8% in Germany, 10.5% in France)
→ From the return of wars in the Middle East to the end of the Soviet bloc
Arab-Israeli wars:
—Suez crisis in October 1956
—Six-Day War from June 5 to 11, 1967
—United Nations Security Council resolution 242 (requires withdrawal of Israeli forces)
—Yom Kippur War in October 1973
—PLO (admitted to observer status at the UN)
—war in Lebanon from 1973 to 1989
—Intifada on December 7, 1987 (revolt by stone)
Other conflicts in the world:
—end of the Vietnam War in 1975
—invasion of Afghanistan in 1979
The disintegration of the Soviet bloc:
—Mikhail Gorbachev’s Perestroika in 1985 (constitutional reform in December 1988 in favor of the state against the party)
—fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, reunification of Germany in 1990
—Boris Yeltsin’s Russia puts an end to the Soviet Union in 1991
→ 20 contemporary history worksheets (1945–2017)
Originally posted on 12 August 2021 @ 10:49
and it also seems to me that the Lebanon war is from 1975 to 1990…
@Roxane: Thank you!
The Vietnam War ends in 1975, not 1973