Is ownership fair?

Is property a right? Is it Just? One of the current positions is to consider property as a natural right. However, Jean-Jacques Rousseau reminds us that originally, the land belongs to all.

Property as defined in Western legal texts

The Civil Code defines property in 1804 as“the right to enjoy and dispose of things in the most absolute manner, provided that one does not make prohibited by the laws or regulations”.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UNO stipulates in article 17:

“1. everyone, whether alone or in a community with others, has the right to
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

II. Origins of ownsership

Jean-Jacques Rousseau shows the origine of ownership in his book Discours sur l’origine et les fondements de l’inégalité parmi les hommes in 1755 :

The first person who, having enclosed a piece of land, said: this is mine and found people simple enough to believe it, was the true founder of civil society. What crimes, what wars, what murders, what miseries and horrors would not have spared the human race the one who, pulling out the stakes or filling in the ditch, would have shouted to his fellow men: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are lost, if you forget that the fruits belong to all, and that the earth belongs to no one.

Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00

7 thoughts on “Is ownership fair?

  1. @kira: For the question: Does Nature have rights? You always have good ideas, and you always understand what is at stake. It will be necessary to concentrate on the methodology, for the introduction in particular. → Take a specific example for your hook (1st sentence of the introduction, therefore of the assignment): a literary work, a specific date, a quotation. For example, here with a quote, you could start your duty like this: By Inviting René Descartes to “surrender as masters and possessors of nature”, etc. → Then bring out a paradox: “But this incitement by René Descartes shows well the influence that Nature has on the world, it imposes its rights, while at the same time the plagues, like the plague, cause deep damage regularly. → Then define the terms of the question as you do in your search for ideas, but you do not include it in your introduction: ‘Nature, which is the environment in which man develops, cultivates himself, would have rights: in this case, a set of rules and morals that we confer on the environment to live in harmony with its → After the problem: that you have chosen in the form of ‘Granting rights to Nature, is not protecting her?’ formulation that can give good things → Finally the plan, as you have done well. Just better to avoid the pronouns ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘we’, often frowned upon, even if it is difficult to formulate. You can always replace with: ‘The environment will be studied first, then it will be examined’ Bravo for the development and the ideas that you formulate inside, it emerges from the candidate that you are well aware of the issues in the world (example of pollution in Beijing) today.

  2. @kira: For the question: “the world in 1945”. You focus and you are right on the results of the Second World War. The Second World War is therefore also the need for reconstruction, the signing of peace agreements, a new global balance that begins, dominated by the USSR and the United States. So your outline is excellent for Part I, and could be completed like this outline found on the internet: I – The reasons for a transformation of the world: the organization of peace by the Allies II – The weakening of the old powers III – The affirmation of the United States and the USSR To see it clearly the next time, we advise you to spend more time on the “brainstorming” from the question: we can consider 1945 from the angle of the balance sheet, of what had just happened, there is also what happened specifically in 1945, and what is described from 1945. The exam question, if it is only a date, is nevertheless broad because it is a pivotal year. For the rest, the ideas in your homework are there, and the figures too, that is good.

  3. Good evening, Academics in Politics team, on the one hand I am going to send you the file of exam questions that will be correctable and modifiable, and on the other hand I leave the link of this file so that it is accessible to all those who will interested and who could also help me improve. On this, the link that I share on this site is only consultable but not modifiable. I leave the care of the correction exclusively to the team of this site. Among other things, there are exam questions of general knowledge, one of history and one of English. THANKS. Here is the link:!5015&authkey=!AIBI4LeTQfs_YYc Good evening to you

  4. @Kira: Hello Kira, you can send us your questions if you wish by mail forumhpb [@] or put the link of the images in the comments for the benefit of all readers. Good day to you

  5. Hello, I really appreciate your review. It seems to me very rewarding. Thank you. As for the elements of my courses, your website is my revision book. I take this opportunity to say thank you again. I hope this will be of great use for the contest. I am precisely preparing for the common science Po Province competition. I have also corrected several exam questions as part of my preparation and I have digitized them and I would like to take this opportunity not to blindly submit them to your critical analysis. Please allow me. Sincerely, Kira

  6. @kira: Hello Kira, here are some comments for your topic, from what we have been able to analyze. Analysis of the question keywords – “property”: this word designates the possibility of owning goods, material or artistic, for example wealth, land and literary and musical works. – “Is she”: this interrogative turn opens up the question widely on a dialectical level? Well seen – ”just”: this is just what respects the rights of others with a view to good and order. That is a good definition for you, but you do not have to not be so categorical. How would respect the rights of others be fair? Sometimes it would be fairer not to respect his rights. Similarly, “with a view to good and order” is to postulate a society that must be ordered, and what is good? In short, this word “right” is an important keyword, and it will be essential not to limit it, to see its full extent. In fact, no one really agrees on what “fair” means. Issue(s) of the question Yes, this is the right issue Ownership is really good for the man? If we look at the Sciences Po, Sciences Po competitions (is this the one you want to try?), the theme is “justice”. It must absolutely appear in the problem and you will make a very good copy. Ideas Good for researching ideas! They are current and relevant writing of the question Introduction For the hook, first sentence, it is good to start with a quotation, or a famous literary work, or a precise historical fact, which then leads to reflection. It is still relevant to define the keywords well as you did on the search for ideas. Development A general comment on the development. You have good ideas, you have to highlight each one always with a specific example. This is the most difficult part of such an exercise, because it requires specialized knowledge. A specific example is either a statistic, or a date, or a quote. So when you talk about social inequalities: an example would be to say that in 2010, the 10% richest French people hold 24.9% of the total mass of living standards. You do well to clearly delimit these three parts, without writing the titles. It is pretty good overall for finding ideas, well done. Conclusion It is always good to end on a hopeful note. Better to avoid political commitments (when you say, “Karl Marxist illusions”). Good conclusion overall it is a good copy in the end. If you want to manage to get ahead of the others, you will have to try to store up even more knowledge, precise facts – which you can for example find in each article – , which will also allow you to find an even better plan. Good luck is on the right track, and above all always keep the motivation! Bravo for having dared to address this subject!

  7. Hello, I am posting a corrected version of this subject that I have tried to do. I would like you to dissect it and that if there is something to learn from a mistake, I am taught it. Analysis of the question Keywords – property: this word designates the possibility of possessing goods, material or artistic, for example wealth, land and literary and musical works. – is it: this interrogative turn opens up the question widely on a dialectical level. -just: is just what respects the rights of others with a view to good and order. Issue(s) of the question The designer of the question asks the student/candidate to show whether the property is good in relation to society. It should be remembered that possessing a reality, material or abstract, as of right, should not be done to the detriment of society. Problem Is property really good for people? Ideas -capitalism guarantees private property. -Communism condemns the exploitation of man by man with the help of private property. -Social inequalities and the crucible of wealth -Property is at the origin of the explosion of misery in the world. -Do not infringe the right of ownership. Writing of the question Introduction Having the possibility of owning goods, material or abstract, for example wealth, land, literary and musical works, symbolizes a major fulfillment for man. However, it happens that a perversion of the property or otherwise its very existence undermines human dignity. On this, to grasp this reality, a question deserves to be asked. Is property really good for society? To answer this question, we will analyze the origin of the private property, then we will examine its positive effects for the man, finally we will evoke its limits. Development Jean-Jacques Rousseau establishes that private property is the foundation of society. Indeed, before, man was nomadic, violent and developed in his natural shell. He was in a state of nature, albeit hypothetical. This relatively shows that private property marks an important stage in human civilization. It is what man aspires to build a society around him in order to fight against danger and to adorn himself with common strength. Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle allows man to develop the land and appropriate the crops. It is a matter of law. Currently, it is the capitalist system that guarantees private property. Beyond private initiatives, the company wants to defend the merit of each person at the cost of his effort. To illustrate this point, the former candidate for the 2012 US elections Mitt Romney spoke of a merit-based society. It is indeed a society whose individuals enjoy prosperity through effort. Thus, the accumulation of wealth is impressive. We become rich and full of prosperity following the example of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social network Facebook. That said, the penetration of economic exchanges in the world standardizes the capitalist model. But it is obvious to ask whether private property does not destroy society. Indeed, capitalism presents reverses among which the alienation of the man and the constitution of favored and underprivileged classes. In this regard, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels believe that private property must be destroyed and the land bequeathed to the people, who suffer for it. In this perspective, the redistribution of wealth is at stake. Indeed, it is inadmissible that the majority of the world’s population sinks into poverty. These persistent social inequalities are unjust. But it is still illusory to be able to eradicate poverty on earth. It is a reality, which despite everything, will accompany man until his extinction. Conclusion Before completing our work, it is necessary to recall that private property is the foundation of society. However, the redistribution of goods is unequal. It is therefore an object of alienation and discontent. Finally, we can say that property cannot be truly just, but one might as well live with it as interfere in the Karl Marxist illusion.

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