II. 3 France from 1848 to 1914

→ The French Republic

—failure of the Second Republic (revolution of 1848, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, coup d’état)
—end of the Second Empire (authoritarian regime, war against Prussia in 1870, Republic on September 4, 1870, Léon Gambetta, Paris Commune in 1871, institutions, crisis of May 16, 1877)
—renewal of the Republic (idea of a Republic, Jules Ferry, the radicals, Georges Clemenceau, institutions of the Republic, secular school, General Boulanger, Panama scandal)
—Dreyfus affair (leakage of military documents of the Dreyfus affair, judgments, Zola, problem of religion)
—political life of the Republic (Bloc des gauches, radical republican party, radical-socialist republican party, SFIO in 1905, Jean Jaurès, Maurras’ Action française, social unrest)

→ Aspects of the economy and society in France
—dynamic French economy (rise of industry in France, country wealth poorly utilized, customs tariff of 1892, French agriculture, second industrial revolution, foreign trade)
—French society in transformation (French population, rurality in France, working class, models of the bourgeoisie and diversity of this bourgeoisie)

Louis Napoléon Bonaparte
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

→ The world from the 19th century to the present day

Originally posted on 19 February 2021 @ 10:11

One thought on “II. 3 France from 1848 to 1914

  1. Hello, I would like to take the common entrance examination for the 2nd year at sciences po. I would have liked to know the history program Europe 1848-1945 in more detail; namely, what are the major themes, and above all can a subject relate to a particular European country, or only to Europe as a whole? Moreover, if I take political science, which method should I apply? Thank you.

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