→ Balance sheet of the destruction of the Second World War
—the largest material losses in history
-most affected countries: USSR, Germany and Japan
—rationing and shortages lead to inflation, the black market
—destroyed cities
—communication networks destroyed

—looting by the Germans during the occupation
—destroyed houses (2.5 million buildings damaged or destroyed)
—destruction of communication networks (10,000 road and river bridges destroyed)
→ Demographic balance of the Second World War
—difficult to assess, but around 50 million dead
-most affected countries: USSR (20 million dead) > China (13 million †) > Germany (9 million †)
-in proportion to the most affected country is Poland (14% of the population) > USSR (12%) > Yugoslavia (10%)
-most deadly bombings: Dresden (135,000 dead) > Tokyo (83,000 †) > Hiroshima (70,000 †) > Nagasaki (36,000 †)
—the civilian population was particularly affected
—demographic imbalances: population displacement, disturbed age pyramid, partly compensated by the “baby boom” at the end of the war
→ Assessment of the impact of the Second World War on the mind
—trauma of the war and the “final solution
—concept of “crime against humanity” developed
—international tribunal of Nuremberg
—shock of the nuclear bombs
→ 20 contemporary history cards (1945–2017)
Originally posted on 4 July 2021 @ 10:57
For the bombardments in Dresden, it seems to me that the human toll was difficult to establish because of contradictory information, but according to the latest studies by historians it would amount to 25,000, including 18,000 identified bodies. (see Wikipedia: the results of the Second World War)
I just want to correct, but it seems to me that the losses are estimated at around 60 million deaths and not 50 million.
hello! can you give me the summary of: Madagascar colony Francaise?
This is a worthy summary! Kudos to the creators.
hello can you give me the economic balance sheet