History sheet III. 4. totalitarian regimes: fascism, nazism, Joseph Stalinism

III. From one war to another (1914–1939)

4. Totalitarian regimes: fascism, Nazism, Joseph Stalinism

→ Establishment of three totalitarian regimes

—totalitarianism in the USSR (Karl Marx’s ideas, Bolshevik revolutions, Joseph Stalin’s rise to power)
—fascism (early forms of fascism, Benito Mussolini’s conquest of power)
– nazism (emergence of Nazi ideas, creation of the NSDAP)

→ Comparison of the manifestations and control exercised by totalitarianism

—totalitarian power (charismatic leader, single party, omnipotent state)
—control of populations (conditioned men from youth to adulthood, propaganda, new man project)
—the maintenance of power (the implementation of terror, the resistance to the authoritarian, the sacrificed populations)

Adolf Hitler, Joseph Staline, Benito Mussolini
Three totalitarianism incarnated by three leaders: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini

→ Consult all the fact sheets on the world from the 19th century to the present day

Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00

2 thoughts on “History sheet III. 4. totalitarian regimes: fascism, nazism, Joseph Stalinism

  1. Hello, Not being at science po yet (but wishing to enter it this year) I was wondering if we could look further than the first form of Fascism, because I think that Fascism is in itself more complex than arriving of Benito Mussolini in power. Thank you for this site which is very complete and which I hope will help me to enter this prestigious school of Science Po Toulouse!

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