III. From one war to another (1914–1939)
2. The crisis of the liberal democracies
→ The colonial system
—the domination of empires (legacies, organization of empires, societies within empires)
– anticolonialism in the face of the colonial model (apogee of the idea of colonialism, first contestations in metropolitan France, emancipation in the colonies)
→ Economic crisis of 1929
—manifestation of the crisis (spread from the United States to the rest of the world, unequal impact of the crisis in European countries, in France, and in fragile countries)
—measures taken against the crisis (deflationary economic policy, consequences of these measures, solutions envisaged by the democrats, in totalitarian regimes, way out of the crisis)
→ Question of liberal democracy in the 1930s
—liberal democracy to be reconsidered (failure of collective security, failure of the League of Nations, invasion of Manchuria, failure of disarmament, isolationism of the United States, claims of the colonial empires, protecting oneself from Adolf Hitler)
—preparation for war (in 1935 and 1936: pacifism questioned, the problem of Ethiopia; failure of the liberal democracies, in Munich, avoiding German power, and during the Spanish war, concern on the eve of the war about the relations between China and Japan, and about Adolf Hitler’s expansion until the invasion of Poland)
Crisis of 1929
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→ General Knowledge: democracy
Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00