I. The industrial age and civilization (mid-19th century to 1939)
3. Religion, culture and arts
Pope Pius XI
→ Religion (mid 19th – 1939) —extension of religions and in particular of Christianity (Christianity discovering the world, idea of secularism, Judaism, Islam, religions of Asia)
—Catholicism (Popes Pius IX, Louis XIII, Pius X., Benedict XV, Pius XI, concordats with Italy and Germany, Lateran pact in 1929)
– Islam (modernization or fundamentalist currents),
Albert Einstein
→ Arts and science (mid-19th century – 1939) —positivism (rise from 1880, decline from 1890), psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud)
—scientific advances (theory of relativity, wave mechanics, principle of indeterminacy, structure of matter, radioactivity)
—new paintings (impressionism, post-impressionism, fauvism cubism, abstract, expressionism)
—feeling of failure resulting from the First World War (Dadaism, contestation, abstract painting)
—architectural revival
→ Culture (mid-19th –1,939) —print media (news agencies, tabloids, comics, daily and weeklies)
—media (radio, cinema)
—leisure and sports (soccer, cycling, rock music, pop)
—ideologies (socialist realism, fascism, futurism, degenerate art and German art)
Futurist painting by Giacomo Balla
world from the 19th century to the present day <<
Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00