History sheet I. 2. Europe and the world (mid-19th century – 1939)

I. The industrial age and civilization (mid-19th century to 1939)

2. Europe and the World

Europe dominate the world —Europe already controls the world (colonization since the 15th century, golden age of geography in the 19th century, political and economic reasons, desire to expand of expansion, colonial parties, opposition to colonization)
—Europe extends its influence (control of Asia, of the Ottoman Empire, sharing of Africa – Berlin Conference in 1884 – , strengthening of the metropolises after the of the metropolises after the First World War) → The establishment of the colonial system —different modes of administration (central/local administration, English model and principle of association – dominion, protectorate, India, crown colony, French model and principle of assimilation, European or indigenous administrators –
—accumulation of wealth through the colonies – exploitation of the natives, of the colonies, trading economy, exploitation of mines –
—the division between the colonialists and the natives – the colonialists versus the natives the natives, demographic upheavals, urbanization, acculturation, partitioning of the colonies and classes of society, majority rurality) → The consolidation of the colonial system – 1914–1939 – —promotion of the idea of a colonial world – role of the colonies in the war, education, colonial exhibitions –
—metropolis-colony relations – freedom granted to the colonies (Statute of Westminster) Westminster status – , economic consolidation)
—wills of independence (disappointment of the promises of war, economic difficulties economic difficulties, desire for equality, nationalist parties, Communist International international, anti-colonial intellectuals)

Premiers ministres du Commonwealth en 1926
Commonwealth Prime Ministers in 1926

world from the 19th century to the present day <&lt

Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00