I. The industrial age and civilization (from the mid-19th century to 1939)
1. The economic and social transformations, the ideologies of the industrial age of the industrial age in Europe and North America
→ The Great Depression preceded the establishment of a global of a global industrial economy (mid-19th – 1918) —Great Depression (economic problems, innovations, new technologies, organization of work)
—capitalism (development of large companies, specialization of the financial sector, liberalism)
—economic powers (loss of speed of France and Great Britain, trade and Britain, trade and finance in Europe, international division of labor)
—European society (economic growth, inequalities between urban and rural, new social classes, rise of the middle classes, confrontations between these social classes, trade unions) → Between prosperity and Depression (1918–1939) —post-war economic difficulties (economic crisis of 1920–1921, financial crisis, monetary crisis in Germany in 1923, return to prosperity, scientific and technical progress, but still some sectors in crisis, weak trade)
—Depression of the ’30s (recession in 1927, Wall Street crash, trade crisis, contestation of liberalism)
Dorothea Lange highlighted in her photographs the consequences of the of the Great Depression
world from the 19th century to the present day <<
Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00
@Audrey: Hello Audrey, Yes you can take the exam. It is specified on the Sciences Po website that you must have at least 60 credits, so 120 is good. Have a nice day, The Academics in Politics team.
Hello, Just a quick question, I have a French baccalauréat 2 in history, so I validated 120 ECTS credits, can I still take the entrance exam to second year? THANKS!
@Leah: Yes indeed Léa you can use them for all Sciences Po competitions! The regional Sciences Po competition (which includes seven regional Sciences Po) is a little different from the Sciences Po Bordeaux Competition. A small diagram here to better understand these four Sciences Po competitions good day to you! The Academics in Politics team
Hello, Are these sheets only valid for the Bordeaux competition? Isn’t this a competition common to all Sciences Po?
it’s not complete
Hello, Thank you for all these valuable tips. I will take it into account right now, I will keep you informed, and keep myself informed of the news on your site every day, which is also very valuable to me! Thank you again for taking the time to answer me. Louise Seiler
@SEILER LOUISE: Hello Louise, General book: The best book we can recommend for Bordeaux BAC 1 is The Century of Excess: From 1870 to the Present, by Patrice Touchard, Christine Bermont, Patrick Cabanel and Maxime Lefebvre. It is true that the Sciences Po Bordeaux program in BAC 1 is particularly broad; this book covers it almost entirely. More specific works: The program extends from the middle of the 19th century to the present day. However, history textbooks are generally separated according to two periods: on the one hand of the 19th century, on the other the 20th century (since 1914). To cover all this program, you will therefore generally need two books: one on the 19th century (1815–1914), another on the 20th century (1914 to the present day). The best way to choose is to go to a bookstore and take the one you really like. Only if you like, the book will it benefit you. The books in the Histoire du XXème siècle series by Pierre Milza and Serge Bernstein are also a reference for Sciences Po. Our files are based on data from these books in part, but also on university courses, courses at Sciences Po, and other specialized books on the period of the 19th century. Finally, we can only advise you to ask your teachers if you are in history license 1. They are generally aware of Sciences Po competitions and tests, and will advise you effectively. In fact, most of the history teachers at Sciences Po Bordeaux are also professors at the university of history. Similarly, the correctors for the Sciences Po Bordeaux competitions are all history teachers, generally in higher education, for example in the preparatory class. The methods and university knowledge will therefore be well regarded for Sciences Po Bordeaux BAC 1, do not hesitate to reuse the methodology that is taught to you. Good luck to you and keep us posted, The Academics in Politics team.
Hello, I am currently in L1 history, I am annoyed because I want at all costs to present the Sciences Po Bordeaux competition in BAC 1 but the university courses do not fit at all with the program, your site is extremely well done , could you give me some bibliographic advice to succeed? What books are your records based on? What reading do you recommend for me to prepare effectively and fully for the specialty program? Thank you very much Louise SEILER