- What is digital (summary)What is digital? By Milad Doueihi, online here, is an excellent ...
- General Knowledge: DigitalGeneral Knowledge: Digital
- Facial recognitionThis experiment conducted by the New York Times is quite revealing ...
- Google would have reached the quantum supremacyGoogle would have reached “quantum supremacy”. This means that, according to the ...
- Secret and digital: Quantum computing and encryptionA Moore’s law (popularized as such but not really related to ...
- Secret and Digital: The September 2018 Facebook HackYou will have more information on this computer attack of which ...
- The European response to the digital giantsThis information is from the March 23, 2019, print edition of ...
- Digital: e-governmentIt is always important in the context of the Common Competition ...
- History of digitizationDigitization is born from the replacement of analog. What is the difference ...
- Percentage of smartphone use in FranceCREDIT, “Conditions of Life and Aspirations” surveys, will be your best ...
- CyberneticsAt first, Cybernetics had a completely different meaning than the one ...
- Digital culture and ego-surfing cultureWhat are the new forms of Culture in contemporary societies? Contemporary societies? ...
- The transformation of mass media by digital technologyWhat is Mass Media? According to the definition of the CNRTL: All ...
- The International Telecommunication Union and its rankingThe IDI is information and communication technology development index. The report published ...
- Cyber attacksOn January 4, 2019, it was revealed on German television that ...
- A company with an omnipresent networkWe have chosen to translate THE UBIQUITOUS NETWORK SOCIETY by this ...
- Artificial Intelligence: China or the United States? – Kai-Fu LeeKai-Fu Lee has written an essay on Artificial Intelligence. Which country dominates ...
- Political Consequences of the American RevolutionThe American Revolution and its political consequences According to Gaucho, this time ...
- French law. Methods of proofEveryone has the right to a fair trial, and the method ...
- The French are less adept at social networkingWho is the most connected in Europe? Who is the least ...
- Annals of the regional Sciences Po CompetitionFrom 2008 to 2014, the Common Entrance Examination included only 6 ...
Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 16:30
Thank you Poppy for these encouragements and these advices on the Digital test. Can you detail more how you passed the test and what arguments you brought? For Internet users who will soon take the common competition. Good day, The Academics in Politics team
Thank you Poppy for these encouragements and these advices on the Digital test. Can you detail more how you passed the test and what arguments you brought? For Internet users who will soon take the common competition. Good day, The Academics in Politics team
Merci Poppy pour ces encouragements et ces conseils sur l’épreuve du Numérique.
Peux-tu détailler davantage comment tu as passé l’épreuve et quels arguments tu as apportés ? Pour les internautes qui vont bientôt passer le Concours commun.
Bonne journée,
The Team Academics in Politics
Merci Poppy pour ces encouragements et ces conseils sur l’épreuve du Numérique.
Peux-tu détailler davantage comment tu as passé l’épreuve et quels arguments tu as apportés ? Pour les internautes qui vont bientôt passer le Concours commun.
Bonne journée,
The Team Academics in Politics
Merci Poppy pour ces encouragements et ces conseils sur l’épreuve du Numérique.
Peux-tu détailler davantage comment tu as passé l’épreuve et quels arguments tu as apportés ? Pour les internautes qui vont bientôt passer le Concours commun.
Bonne journée,
The Team Academics in Politics
Merci Poppy pour ces encouragements et ces conseils sur l’épreuve du Numérique.
Peux-tu détailler davantage comment tu as passé l’épreuve et quels arguments tu as apportés ? Pour les internautes qui vont bientôt passer le Concours commun.
Bonne journée,
The Team Academics in Politics