Blaise Pascal
In the Thoughts, the though numbered 513, Blaise Pascal notes regarding science:
“For judgment is the one to whom feeling belongs, as the sciences belong to the mind sciences belong to the mind. The finesse is the part of the judgment, the geometry is that of the mind.
To mock philosophy is really to philosophize.”
Short Biography of Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal was born in 1623 in Clermont-Ferrand on June 19. He arrived in Paris in 1631, then in Rouen in 1639. The following year he published his first essay : Essai sur les coniques. In 1642, he tried to build the construction of a calculating machine. Six years later, he set up a famous experiment at the Puy-de-Dôme and at the Saint-Jacques tower in Paris. His life is marked by health problems. The Thoughts are a work published posthumously in 1669, from the fragments he left behind him.
He lived at the time of Corneille, La Rochefoucaud, La Fontaine, Molière (older) and older); Madame de Sévigné, Bossuet, Boileau, Racine, La Bruyère (younger) younger).
Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00