The method is simple:
- Step 1: Delineate the two-time boundaries of the question (beginning and end)
- Step 2: Identify the situation at these two dates
- Step 3: Establish the bridge between these two dates (how did we go from)
A simple example to understand. Let us imagine that the question is the Second World War.
- Step 1: Time markers: beginning → 1939–1945 end
- Stage 2:1939: a Europe barely recovered from the 1st World War already threatened by extremes (Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini…). 1945: a traumatized world after a heavy toll that must ensure hopes for peace.
- Step 3: We make the connection: How did the European tensions rekindled by the rise of the extremes become generalized in a destructive world war only ended by a piece to be ensured?
Here is a question that pinpoints the problem which slams! You have understood the principle; now it is your turn to play.
→ How to come up with an outline for all your essays
Originally posted on 3 November 2020 @ 08:20
Hello, What issue could I choose for The Cold War? (Should I quote André Fontaine’s book: the Cold War 1917 – 1991 even if it officially begins in 47?) Lola
Hi, please help me, problem of: Explain the relationship between agriculture and the natural environment
I can’t apply this method for: Establishment and questioning of constitutional monarchy in France from 1789 to 1792
Hello, What problem would you propose for the following question: The constitution of the blocks from 1945 to 1953? Thanks in advance!
@Lola: I would say it would be to do an analysis of the wars that happened after WWII. Finally, not analysis as only drawing up a list, but the means committed, the formation of alliances between countries, intervention of international organizations such as the UN during the siege of Sarajevo. Saying from 1945, it’s suggested that something has changed since WWII and you show it. Ditto for what has not changed too. I don’t know if I was very clear?
hello, does an ENS/D1 preparation prepare for the IEP?
And if the question does not have a deadline, how do we do it!? For example, I was given the question for a dissertation: Making war since 1945… I’m a little lost
Hello, Is Thibault Klinger’s book – History – regional Sciences Po competition, which dates from 2013, still valid today? Thanks in advance
Hello, my subject of dissertation is to make the war since 1945 but I do not find any problem. I have an outline which is I-Great powers and conflicts in the world since 1945 and II-The United States in the world since 1945
Hello, could someone help me find a question that pinpoints the problem for the question of: Exercising authority in Western Europe in the 17th-18th century please? I understood the principle of this method, but I can’t find a problem for this subject.. Thank you in advance!
Hello, I understood the method but I find it difficult to apply it to my subject The speech of June 17, 1940 foundation of Vichyssoise propaganda would you have an idea?
Hello, I find your method very clever insofar as we have two dates. But in the case of a relationship between a date and today, how to proceed? Example: the Arab-Israeli conflict from 1948 to the present day. Thanks in advance
I’m surprised there, but so much the better if my problem seems correct to you. So I’m going to use it for my homework. In a few days, I’ll post what the teacher thought. Thank you anyway 🙂
@Audrey: Hello Audrey, The 1st problem you propose in step 3 is quite relevant! (“How after a period of victory did the two greats oppose each other to enter a new war?”) You can tell us what your professor thinks of it, but the question is to know how countries which have united to ending WWII may have come into conflict, culminating in the start of the Cold War. For our part, we find that it is a very good angel. The Academics in Politics team
Hello everyone, I have a dissertation in history which has the question: The world from 1945 to 1947, the teacher helps us by giving us the three parts which are: 1/Human balance sheet; 2/ Hope for a new world; 3/New organization of the world So I tried to follow your method, but I’m not very good at it and I can’t particularly find a problem with these parts. Step 1: the dates are therefore: 1945 and 1947 Step 2: 1945: end of the 2nd World War; 1947: start of the Cold War and bipolarity of the world, Marshall Plan, Truman and Jdanov doctrine Step 3: How after a period of victory did the two greats oppose each other to enter a new war? Or if not quite simply: What were the consequences in the world after the 2nd World War? But I don’t think that’s it :/
Good evening, I discovered this site which is rather not bad, bravo. I am a student, I have to find a problem on the question the army, manufactures virility? Knowing that my problem must show both the positive and the negative of the army. If you have any ideas…
This site is great! I would like to apply it in my homework and see.
Marion: I also tried to find a problem on this subject. I arrived at this result: To what extent, from the election of VGE in 1974, the Fifth Republic evolved towards a regime of a new type marked by alternation and cohabitation?
Hello, as the date of the joint competition approaches, I have tried to problematize the question of the Cold War from 1945 to 1962: How did the risk of massive nuclear destruction in 1962 replace the situation of peace at the end of the Second World War ? Would this problem be appropriate on the d-day? Still following your advice, I encountered some difficulties in problematizing exam questions concerning French politics. For the question the fifth Republic since 1974 for example, I cannot find better than: what were the evolutions of the fifth Republic from 1974 to today? problem a little too vague which I do not like at all. Thank you for your help.
Hello, I took, to train me, a subject already fallen in test of history with the common contest: France and the European construction, 1957 – 1992. Which problem to make with this subject there? I understood the technique, however I can’t apply it well here.. Thanks in advance!
thanks for your advice. I offer you another example; resistance. thanks in advance.
Good morning ! I offer another example: Berlin in the Cold War. Stage 1: 1947-1989 Stage 2: 1947: Berlin under quadripartite administration, tensions becoming increasingly acute between the USSR and the West, satellization of the liberated countries by the Red Army. 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall which leads to reunification, fall of the Iron Curtain in Central Europe. Step 3: link: How did East-West tensions reach their climax in Berlin, and how is this city symbolic of the course and end of the Cold War? What do you think ? And thank you very much for this site, it is perfect! 🙂
Hello this method seems very practical but what about the case where the question is a balance sheet such as: the balance sheet of the 2nd World War? Can we also use it? In any case, thank you for this site which is really useful to me 🙂
@Thib: Hello @Thib, it is a good idea for a methodology on geography for the IEP! Thank you, we keep it in a corner. In geography, the problem is less important: often, it is enough to repeat the terms of the question, to put a question mark at the end, and that could limit the pass. The Corrected Algerian War is here. Good day to you,
Thank you, for the advice. (the link to see the answer key does not work) Do you have any tips for problems in geography?
@thib: Hello @thib, that is exactly it bravo! For us the best of your problems would be the 2nd. It is necessary to take into account stages 1 and 2, with the situation at the beginning of the chronological markers (in 1954), and to make it appear clearly in the problem, because your problems focus more on the end. As a result: Problem = situation in 1954 LINK situation in 1962. Your problem that best corresponds to this formula seems to be the second. We could have found, for example, taking your analysis of the situations in 1954 and 1962: How did Algerian claims after the weakening of France at the end of the Second World War find a way out in the return to power of Charles de Gaulle? By taking two elements, one from 1954 and one from 1962, by linking them, here is a good problem for a Sciences Po competition. As a reminder, the question of Algerian war fell to Sciences Po Paris this year 2013, and here is a corrected for the outline that we could bring to such issues, to go further. Well done for these constructions of question that pinpoints the problem, it will become like a game you will see, good revisions.
To see another example: The Algerian war Stage 1: beginning of 1954 end of the Evian agreement 1962 Stage 2: 54 France politically unstable, context of decolonization, defeat of the dien bien phu, weakening after the 2nd world war, Algerian claim. .. 1962 => Charles de Gaulle in power (for 4 years), political power threatened by OAS, opinion favorable to independence, independence of the age, influx of black feet… Step3: link 1To what extent does the arrival of General de Gaulle allowed the end of the war? (Correct?) 2How did the Algerian war mark the end of the French colonial empire? 3 To what extent did France emerge weakened from the Algerian war on an international scale? From an economic, social and symbolic point of view? What do you think of these issues? Thank you, I am new, I find this site great! this.
Thank you, that’s a really good method!
Thank you for this effective and fast method! 🙂 It’s a real time saver and in general, thank you for this full of info