Exam correction the 2015 Sciences Po exam

The correction to the Sciences Po 2015 exam are available here.

→ See the results of this Sciences Po 2015 Common Entrance Examination

Exam correction Contemporary issues 2015 – regional Sciences Po exam 1A

Subjects Contemporary questions Sciences Po 2015

Correction contemporary issues Sciences Po 2015:

  • Correction Globalization and contestations
  • Correction does the family have a future?

→ Mock exam questions on Globalization

→ Mock exam on Family

guerre des 6 jours

Subjects and Correction History 2015 – Concours common First-year exam Sciences Po

Subjects in History Sciences Po 2015

Likely questions in History regional Sciences Po exam 2015

Correction History Sciences Po 2015

  • Correction Tensions and conflicts in the Middle and Near East between 1948 and 1989

→ Annals of the regional Sciences Po Examination for the first year

→ Results of the Common Entrance Examination First-year exam 2015

→ Exam correction Concours Commun Second-year exam 2015
→ Exam correction Sciences Po Bordeaux 2015
→ Exam correction Sciences Po Paris 2015

→ Compilation du Concours commun Sciences Po

Originally posted on 16 October 2020 @ 16:38

8 thoughts on “Exam correction the 2015 Sciences Po exam

  1. possibility of giving an opinion on the plan? For my part, I tried to make my outline original to try to stand out from the other candidates. Therefore, I wanted to show that the Middle East is a true reflection of the general political situation of the time. That is to say, initially a demotion of the former European powers to the status of middle power. As well as the affirmation of the 2 greats and their ideological fight. My problem gave this: Why the events there if they unfold shows the weakening of the old imperialist powers for the benefit of the 2 big ones, under the background of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I. A European predominance until 1956 a. A geo-strategic region 1-Cultural mosaic 2-European interests 3-Gives birth to pan-Arabism, and facilitates the integration of the Jewish people in the region b- 1- Birth of Israel 2- Gives birth to the 1 Arab Israeli war c – The influence of the imperialists disappears little by little -1 Nationalization of Iranian oil by Mossadegh in 1951 -2 The sovereigns put in place by England disappear -3 Suez crisis opposes the Europeans and marks the end of their presence in the region II . A theater of the cold war 1 – Everyone marks their territory (USA: Eisenhower doctrine, operation ajax 1953, Israeli military aid. USSR: Allied Nasser, aid in all areas, including economic (Aswan dam) 2 – The problem Palestinians, center of gravity in the Middle East (Arab League vs Israel 1967, 1973) then PLO vs Israel following the successive defeats of the League 3. The period 70-80, weakening of American power 1. Islamist revolution 2. Provokes Iran-Iraq war (US position, Irangate affair) 3. Invasion of Afghanistan 1979-1989.

  2. Thank you very much for responding ! My problem had to look like: To what extent were the conflicts in the Near and Middle East the logical bipolar result of the Cold War? (of course, some conflicts were decorrelated) Sptlse there was a third sub-part but I don’t remember… I think I was talking about resource issues (water and oil) Thank you for your opinion, yes I hope to at least reach an 11 it might save me!

  3. Lena your outline is unbalanced (three subparts in I and two in II). In addition, you have simply made pure history by telling facts of course, it is necessary, but you have left aside some of the issues. After the writing style plays a lot. If you have a good style and you have taken care of your introduction, you can expect a correct grade.

  4. Personally, I find your outline great. Specify the problem please, even if I guess it. The outline is nuanced and not a display of knowledge. After all, I’m not a proofreader.

  5. Would it be possible for someone to give a short honest opinion on my story outline please? I) CONFLICTS RELATED TO THE COLD WAR a) the two great ones are looking for allies there b) interventions in the Israeli-Arab conflicts and in Afghanistan c) emergence of the Third World, 3rd player in the Cold War – with Nasser and the Suez crisis II) A REGION WHICH ALSO HAS ITS OWN LOGIC 1) Religious hardening – Iran, overthrow of the shah – deterioration of relations with the West 2) conflicts which completely escape the great powers – oil crisis, decolonization, iran/iraq war, lebanon war So…. if someone could formulate an opinion? Thanks in advance!

  6. For the QC, I treated the question as follows: in the first part I explained that globalization was an old fact that seemed rooted in culture or human nature (in particular this desire to unite, to move towards other, to regroup…) and which, until the end of the 20th century, had never been disputed… (why criticize one’s own nature..?) In a second part I have therefore deduced that the arrival of new aspects of globalization transcending this fundamental nature of man were at the origin of the birth of the anti and alterglobalist movements. What do you think of this approach? Is she wise?

  7. Hello, are the fixes in progress, or can you give an approximate date of when it will be possible to consult them? Thank you so much 🙂

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