The Academics in Politics team offers you the correction to the philosophical exam questions that were on the BAC 2014 in the L-series.
Subject 2: Should we do everything to be happy?
Definition of terms: Should we do everything to be happy?
Must we: 2 approaches, one moral: the human being has a moral obligation to; the other physical: the human being is forced to, by the force of things.
To do everything to: A certain radicalness is implicit in this expression. What is sought is the only price that counts: the end justifies the means! (Machiavelli)
Happy: this notion is the very heart of the matter, and has been debated over the centuries. Throughout the assignment, it will be a matter of seeing what happiness is, what it is to be happy.
Plan & Development: Must we do everything to be happy?
The first Greek morals, Epicureanism, Stoicism, had happiness as their goal. How to reach happiness? It was through ataraxia, the absence of disorder, or by accepting the course of events.
According to Immanuel Kant, “Happiness is an ideal, not of reason, but of the imagination”. That is, happiness is a vague and confused idea produced by the mind. Man does not have to do everything to be happy, since he cannot even imagine happiness.
In the Christian religion, one does not live for happiness on earth, but rather for the promised happiness after death:“Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is great in heaven; for so persecuted were the prophets before you” in the Beatitudes.
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