Digital: e-government

It is always important in the context of the Common Competition (digital and secrecy are the two themes chosen) to link your objects of study to politics and society.

This is why it is interesting to focus on administrative “papers” and the French. As far as digital technology is concerned, we no longer speak of “administrative papers”, but ofe-administration or online administration.

In 2017:

According to ACSEL, in 2009, 40% of French people and 56% of internet users had carried out an administrative or tax procedure online.

The latest Statistics collected 40 million visits in 2009.

These figures prove the success of online administration. Certainly, the internet has made the procedures easier and more accessible. But while the French public services insist and make it more and more compulsory to use the internet to carry out these procedures, we must not hastily dismiss those who refuse to use the internet, either because they cannot or do not want to. The transition to all digital cannot be made so easily.

General Knowledge: Digital

Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00