Desproges – Scientific rigor

If you are interested in science, you will be interested in these writings of Pierre Desproges:

“La rigueur scientifique” by Pierre Desproges

A famous excerpt: ” A civilization without Science, it would be as absurd as a fish without a bicycle Pierre Desproges in Vivons heureux an attendant la mort.

Explantation of Pierre Desproges’ vision in la rigueur scientifique

On the occasion of an article, Pierre Desproges makes fun of the scientific protocol.

Throughout this article, Pierre Desproges handles the absurdity and the nonsense” the Nantaise is biodegradable,” while trying to keep a logical form“that proves to the evidence that”.

Numerous other wings, no less grating, pepper the extract:“a funnel that we will call Catherine, in homage to Catherine de Medici” in reference to the absurd names given by the scientists.

He thus manages to demonstrate everything, by anything.“as long as you are completely crazy”.

Pierre Desproges: short biography

Pierre Desproges was born in 1939 in Pantin. At the age of 28, he took on a series of odd jobs before becoming a journalist for the newspaper Aurore in 1970.
A great reporter, he appeared on stage in Thierry Le Luron’s show. He worked on the radio, on France Inter, and published his first book in 1981: Manuel de savoir-vivre à l’usage des Boers et des malpolis. On RMC, then after a career in television, notably on FR3, he published Vivons heureux an attendant la mort in 1983. He multiplies the artistic works.
Pierre Desproges is known for his corrosive, elegant and stylistically sophisticated humor.

Bonus: Pierre Desproges’ quote on science

“If it were not for Science, how many of us could enjoy our cancer for more than five years?”

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Originally posted on 15 October 2020 @ 19:36