Definitions of the city

Of course there are many other definitions, and you should not choose just one. Throughout your essay, you will need to interrogate these definitions, see how relevant they are, and how to reshape them. These definitions finally give you the keys to writing a good introduction to your paper.

Definition of the city from the Dictionary of the French Academy 8th edition:

1. An orderly assemblage of a fairly considerable number of houses arranged in the streets, and often bounded by a wall.

2. City is said, by extension, of all the inhabitants of a city.

3. The City is also said, absolutely, of the stay of the cities, of the life which one carries out there and of the walls which reign there, as opposed to the stay, the life and the walls of the countryside.

Definition of the city from the Larousse dictionary:

1. A relatively large agglomeration whose inhabitants have diversified occupational activities. (Statistically, a city has at least 2,000 agglomerated inhabitants.)

2. All the inhabitants of this agglomeration

Definition of general city:

1. A relatively large agglomeration whose inhabitants have diversified occupational activities

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Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00