Definition of Inequality

General definition of Inequalities

The following definition is taken from the Dictionary of the French Academy (9th edition) which gives 3 meanings to the term “inequality”.

1. The state of two or more things or beings whose value, importance, quality, etc., are not the same. By metonymy. Social and fiscal inequalities. Absolutely. The fight against inequalities.

2. In mathematics, a relation of order between two numbers, two distinct quantities; formula expressing such a relation by means of agreed signs.

3. Lack of uniformity, regularity, constancy.

Inequalities as a theme of study immediately acquire a social, economic
immediately acquires a social, economic, or political meaning.

Comment on the definition of inequalities:

The term inequality has the advantage of being clear, even too clear.

Indeed, it is so clear that dictionaries have a hard time explaining it: almost all of them define it as“that which is not equal”, as opposed to equality, which, of course, is not particularly judicious since they almost reuse the word itself in the explanation.

Inequalities as a theme

What is important to remember about this notion, as applied to society, is the metonymic use of the word:“Social, fiscal inequalities. Absolutely. The fight against inequality.”

Inequalities, in the sense of a general theme, are mostly social and economic. They refer to differences in conditions between individuals.

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Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00