The theme chosen in 2014culture.
A joint study by the Ministries of Economy and Culture estimates that culture represents 3.2% of national wealth (Gross Domestic Product).
The objective of this study was to calculate a cultural GDP, and here are the statistics from it:
1. The live show represents 8.8 billion euros
2. Heritage generates 8.1 billion.
3. The visual arts and
3. The press each account for an equal amount of 5.7 billion in value added.
5. Books (5.5 billion), audiovisual and advertising (5.1 billion each), architecture (4.4 billion), cinema (3.6 billion), image and sound industries (3.4 billion), access to knowledge and culture (2.3 billion)
The results of the study show that the State remains the main actor of culture in the French national GDP. “There is a lot of talk about the new weight of local authorities in culture, but the State remains the main actor.
According to a survey conducted jointly by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Economy, in 2011, culture contributed 105 billion euros to the French economy, or 57.8 billion in value added (3.2% of GDP). This share of culture in national value added increased between 1995 and 2005, reaching 3.5%, before declining until 2013.
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Evolution of the share of culture in the French GDP:
The share of culture in value added increased steadily between 1995 and 2005, when it reached 3.5%. But since then, it has declined by 0.3 points.
This erosion, in the midst of the digital transition, has various origins: changes in margins, the collapse of the record market, changes in readership, the economic crisis. But also the “capture” of a part of the added value by digital platforms (Apple, Google, Amazon…) in charge of the intermediation between creators and consumers. “They find themselves in a strong position to attract advertising resources and to impose their conditions on creators,” the study points out.
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→ Best-Of articles on culture to study the Sciences Po exam
Originally posted on 13 October 2020 @ 00:00