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Annals of Composition on a topical theme at Sciences Po Bordeaux
The composition on a topical theme is each time accompanied by a file of documents.
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2021: in the context of the COVID, eligibility was pronounced on the basis of an algorithm, and admission on the basis of the study of the dossier (20% of the final grade) as well as an oral interview (40% of the final grade).
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2020 : in the context of the COVID, eligibility was decided on the basis of an algorithm, and admission on the basis of the file review (instead of the oral).
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2019 : a reflection on the situation of the elderly in France (correction 2019)
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2018 : The mutations of the rural world in France
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2017 : The relationship between France and its army today
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2016 : The challenges of security today
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2015 : The changing relationship between the media and democracy (corrected 2015)
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2014 : A reflection on municipal elections, the function of the mayor and the latest developments that occurred on March 23 and 30, 2014. (correction 2014)
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2013 : War in its historical evolution and in its most current forms (correction 2013)
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2012 : the challenges posed by the environment to contemporary people and societies
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2011 : the evolution of the place of sport in contemporary societies
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2010 : the challenges of urban growth today
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2009 : the return of religion and its possible consequences, in France and in the world
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2008 : the relationship between school and social inequalities in France
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2007 : the struggle and commitment of women in politics, yesterday and today
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2006 : the evolution of the place of work in contemporary society
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2005 : the characteristics of contemporary fears
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2004 : the stakes of secularism
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2003 : the lessons that can be drawn from the evolution of the European Union
Compilation de Histoire et Géographie à Sciences Po Bordeaux:
Annale Sciences Po Bordeaux 2021: in the context of the COVID, eligibility was decided on the basis of an algorithm, and admission on the basis of the study of the file (20% of the final grade) as well as an oral interview (40% of the final grade).
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2020 : in the context of the COVID, eligibility was decided on the basis of an algorithm, and admission on the basis of the file review (instead of the oral).
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2019:
Sciences Po Bordeaux 2018 subject: War of annihilation and genocide of Jews and Gypsies.
Sciences Po Bordeaux 2017 subject: Economic growth and its different phases since 1850.
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2016: Affirmation and diffusion of the republican idea in France from 1880 to 1900
Sciences Po Bordeaux 2015 Subject:
History: To what extent we can speak of the apogee of the French colonial empire in 1931 (correction 2015)
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2014:
History: World War I: a new kind of war? OR Nazism and Joseph Stalinism: common points and specificities (correction)
Geography: The renewal of rural territories in France OR The border territories of France as spaces of relation with Europe and the world
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2013 (correction 2014):
History: Berlin (1945–1989) OR The birth of a new Republic in France (1958–1962)
Geography: The City in France: spatial dynamics and territorial organization OR Physical space in France: assets and constraints for territorial development.
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2012:
History: French decolonization (1945–1962) OR The United States in international relations from 1989 to the present
Geography: The Atlantic seaboard of North America: a geographic area of globalization OR Population and settlement areas in East Asia
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2011:
History: Détente (1962–1979) OR The Giscard years
Geography: Metropolises and megacities in the organization of the world OR Spaces of economic power in East Asia
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2010:
History: Decolonization 1945–1962 OR France in the 1960s
Geography: Cities along the Asia-Pacific coast OR International migration: an expression of globalization
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2009:
History: France 1981–1995: domestic aspects OR The end of the USSR and the international system 1985–1991
Geography: The world population: growth dynamics and geographic mobility OR American power: the current state of affairs
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2008:
History: 1968 OR France and the construction of Europe (1945–1958)
Geography: The sea in the globalization of economies OR Exchanges and flows in the Mediterranean area (with maps)
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2007:
History: The Presidency of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (1974–1981) O.R. de Gaulle and Algeria (1958–1962)
Geography: The expansion and regionalization of the Asia-Pacific coastline OR The geographical aspects of the North-South relationship in the the Mediterranean area
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2006:
History: The United States in international relations from 1962 to 2006 OR 1968
Geography: Megacities in a globalized world (with the map) OR The driving forces behind the organization of the territory of the United States of America
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2005:
History: France and the colonial problem 1945–1962 OR The end of the Soviet Empire
Geography L and ES: Unity and diversity of Rhine Europe OR The place of China and Japan in the East Asian space
Geography S: The Mediterranean space: a space of fractures or of North/South contact? OR The Atlantic facade of North America: a spatial organization of North American power and global openness
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2004:
History: The Cold War (1947–1962) OR France under the presidency of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (1974–1981)
Geography: The geographical foundations of the power of the United States of North America (with maps) OR Population and development in the geographical space of China or the Indian Union (with maps)
Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux 2003:
History: François Mitterrand (1958–1995) OR The USSR in international relations from 1962 to 1991
Geography: How does the big city in Africa express the economic and social imbalances of the continent? OR Japan and the Asia-Pacific
And a modern language test each year. (Italian, Russian, German, Spanish, English.) Here are the exams for English only.
Sciences Po Bordeaux English exams:
Sciences Po Bordeaux 2021 exams: in the context of the COVID, eligibility was decided on the basis of an algorithm, and admission on the basis of a study of the candidate’s file (20% of the final grade) and an oral interview (40% of the final grade).
Compilation Sciences Po Bordeaux 2020 : in the context of the COVID, eligibility was decided on the basis of an algorithm, and admission on the basis of the file review (instead of the oral).
Sciences Po Bordeaux English exam questions in English 2019:
English Exam Sciences Po Bordeaux in English 2018:
Social Media’s Junkies and Dealers, Project Syndicate, Jan 25, 2018, Roger McNamee
Sciences Po Bordeaux English Subject in English 2017:
Why the voting age should be lowered to 16 – The Economist, Leaders, Feb 4, 2017
Sciences Po Bordeaux English exam questions in English 2016:
The Guardian views on Mein Kampf: a good new edition of a very bad old book
Sciences Po Bordeaux English exam questions in English 2015:
In What Way Is Iran a Reliable Negotiating Partner? – Christ Stewart, The Wall Street Journal, March 2, 2015
Sciences Po Bordeaux English exam questions in English 2014:
Gender-specific books demean all our children. So the Independent on Sunday will no longer review anything marketed to exclude either sex – adapted from: Katy Guest, The Independent on Sunday – 16 March 2014.
Sciences Po Bordeaux English exam questions in English 2013:
Tell youngsters the truth: the UK needs you to work not go to university – Allister Heath the Telegraph 2 April 2013 (abridged text)
Sciences Po Bordeaux English exam questions in English 2012:
In the post-Murdoch era, we must reform media ownership – Norman Fowler, guardian.co.uk, Friday 11 May 2012
Sciences Po Bordeaux
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Originally posted on 1 October 2020 @ 00:00
[…] → Annals of Sciences Po Bordeaux […]
Is a baccalaureate in particular recommended to have to enter science po bordeaux?
Hello, I am a second year student and I outline to take the entrance exam to science po bordeaux in two years. I would like to start preparing myself slowly. But I don’t know what to start and what to work on. Advices ? Thank you in advance and good day
Hello, Would it be possible to have an example of correction for the question on security issues today given in 2016. Thank you
Hello, Concerning the integrated courses and more particularly the test of composition in French from a file, would there be a particular methodology to follow? Cordially
To answer your comment Camille, yes you can always but you cannot pass the general stream which recruits only at BAC0 but you can try by passing the integrated streams (France-United Kingdom, France-Portugal, France-Craibes, France -Spain, France-Morocco ..) look on the SCPOBX site everything is explained!
Hello, I would like to have a little information: I had my baccalaureate this year and I am currently in B/L preparation, do I still have the possibility of taking the entrance examination for the first year of the Sciences Po of Bordeaux? Thanks in advance
@Laurine: Good morning, we did not have the questions, but if you want to send them to us it is possible via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IntegrerSciencesPo?fref=ts or here in comments.
Hello, Do you have examples of corrections for this year’s subject at Sciences Po Bordeaux? Thanks in advance
@B: Good morning, Yes, it is true. Everything is explained in this article 2015 New Sciences Po Bordeaux competitions.
@Tom: Hello Tom, No, it is not necessary to present all the documents of the corpus in the introduction. Using each document during development is enough. However, if you think it is an added value, you can also use the documents as an introduction.
Hello, Is it true that there is no more geography test to integrate Science Po Bordeaux at French baccalauréat 0?
Hello, Passing the contest of sciences po Bordeaux I have a question of methodology on the test of question of topicality. Is it necessary, as for a test of analysis of doc in history, to present the whole of the documents in the introduction? thanks in advance
Hello, Excuse me for disturbing you, I wish to pass the competitive examination for admission to French baccalauréat 3 of the CPAG with a view to a preparation. To do this, I have to pass a general culture Dissertation competition, do you have any advice or books to advise me? I don’t know if this is where I should post my request but thank you in advance anyway, Best regards.
Hello, Regarding the history test for the 2015 competition, do you have any predictions for this year? Since WW1 and the totalitarian regimes fell this year can I skip that? Thanks in advance
I’m preparing the integrated Bordeaux course, I want to know, do you have the possibility in English of choosing between several texts and subjects? I’m a little lost here, seeing the last annal of 2014
Hello, I was eligible for the Franco-German stream at Sciences Po Bordeaux after having had 9 in composition and 15 in languages. These marks surprise me a lot and I wanted to know if the marking was so severe as that, even to the point that one could be eligible with fairly low marks. If any of you have been eligible or admitted, could you let me know what marks you got? Thanks in advance.
Well, well finally the birthday question fell yesterday! We had the right to the First World War and to Joseph Stalinist and Nazi totalitarianism… It goes to show that Sciences Po Bordeaux really manages to drive us crazy. In geography it is the territories that have fallen! With the revival of rural territories or border territories. The current question concerned the municipal elections, the role of the mayor and the latest developments. Finally the English test confused me personally… No economics, no politics, but a real baccalaureate subject, with the theme of the English debate on the non-gender that we should or should not grant to books and other toys that children use. Well, I’m waiting for you to give us some food for thought on all these subjects, just to get an idea of future results!
@marie : Hello Marie, it is a safe bet that GM’s 100th anniversary will have no impact on tomorrow’s topic. There is therefore no particular need for this period. However, Sciences Po Bordeaux is the most unpredictable Sciences Po. In particular, they are quite daring to pose as a subject an identical subject or one which overlaps with the question of last year. So with Sciences Po Bordeaux, it is better not to make calculations or guesswork by dismissing exam questions that have recently fallen or by linking them to current events, everything is possible! Good luck, the big day is tomorrow! We hope that you will give us your impressions, and also the exam questions tomorrow so that we can write an answer key. Feel free to comment here, or by mail, or on Facebook. Good day to you Marie, and good last revisions The Academics in Politics team
Hello, Regarding the history test for the French baccalauréat 0 entrance exam (Bordeaux) which is…. tomorrow… do you think we should bet on a subject such as the First World War? ? (We are celebrating its 100th anniversary this year and it is on the premiere program)
Hello, Not necessarily for sciences po burgundy! Thank you for that answer.
hello, first of all I would like to thank you for all your advice! They are very helpful and will help me on Saturday! But as @Jean had said, would you already have the forecast for the contest? THANKS!
@Clem64: For Sciences Po Bordeaux? In history, the Touchard the century of excesses, Berstein & Milza History of the 20th centuryIn general knowledge, books of general knowledge sheets, such as 100 general knowledge sheets, or Studyrama 250 general knowledge sheets in geography, mainly final year courses. In languages, reading articles from foreign newspapers on the internet. This article will give the keys to reviewing a foreign language and this one of the important headlines from the foreign press. It is a very good idea to start now for revisions!
Hello, what books would you recommend to best prepare for next year’s science po competition?
@Jean: Hello Jean, it is a good idea, which we are preparing. An article should be posted in the days, weeks to come. Thank you for your loyalty to (one year) and good revisions.
Hello, The baccalaureate 0 admission tests are fast approaching, I admit that the stress is felt… Would you have, like last year, forecasts as to the exam questions likely to fall for this year? My sincere thanks 🙂
Thank you very much for this info!
@oscar : Hello Oscar, indeed there is not really any specific explanation on the internet for the Sciences Po Bordeaux Competition essays. We can simply tell you in a few words that the dissertation is the same, the methodology is the same, and that you just have to go much faster! That is to say, save time on the draft, or develop a little less, but try to get as close as possible to a dissertation like any Sciences Po competition. Some professors also advise doing only two parts for the history or geography at Sciences Po Bordeaux because of the time available. In practice, 3 parts are just as playable considering that in 2-part outlines, you have to subdivide into 2x2x2 = 8 subparts. In conclusion, the number of parts is left to the discretion, and outlines in 2 parts or 3 parts will be very well received no matter what, what matters is the content. Good luck with the exams, which are indeed particularly short, but this has another advantage: it improves student performance, and you will see that we think faster when we are limited in time! Have a nice day, The Academics in Politics team.
Hello, Do you know a website or a document where would be indicated the methodology for the mini-dissertations of History and Geo specific to Spo Bordeaux? I searched, but found almost no info. Thanks in advance